Chapter 19: Homecoming coming up

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On a Friday afternoon, Skyla and Dylan were sitting at Sierra Sky Park, cuddling like normal couples do and watching the clouds. Skyla was leaning on Dylan's shoulder, while Dylan was holding Skyla and playing with her beautiful red hair.

Skyla: *giggles* What are you doing?

Dylan: Playing with your beautiful hair.

Skyla: *blushes* You think my hair is beautiful?

Dylan: *kiss Skyla's forehead* Yeah. It's beautiful as a Ruby.

Skyla: A Ruby? Isn't a birthstone?

Dylan: Yeah, a birthstone for July. It's a really nice color, especially for your hair.

Skyla: *kiss Dylan on the lips* Thank you.

Dylan: *kiss Skyla back*

Skyla and Dylan started to make out since they're alone, until they heard a familiar voice.

Aqua: Skylie!!!! *runs to her*

Skyla: (Oh god) *stop kissing Dylan*

Dylan: *chuckles*

Aqua hugs her twin, while others were catching up.

Victoria: Hey Sky. *hugs Skyla*

Skyla: Ok, isn't me or people are trying to hug me.

Aqua: No it's just you sis. *smiles*

Victoria: Omg Sky, guess what!!!!

Skyla: What? (This better be good)

Victoria: It's time for homecoming!!!!!!

Axel: Here we go again.

Kendall: Here comes the introduction.

Victoria: Homecoming is time of the beginning of the two months, where can go with someone special. Remember when we graduated from fifth grade and we talk about homecoming all the time with Summer.

Skyla: I remember that. That's when you and Summer always pictured the perfect homecoming.

Victoria: I love those memories. So Skyla, are you going to homecoming?

Skyla: Let me see. Um no.

Victoria: *shocked* What?!

Aqua: Thank you! At least someone agrees with me.

Victoria: Sky, how could you say that! Homecoming was our dream!

Skyla: I don't know, but I'm just not in the mood for the moment.

Dylan: Who knows it might be fun Sky. You  just have to give it a try.

Victoria: At least someone agrees with me. Please Skyla. Please go to homecoming! Please. Do it for your banana boo.

Skyla: Alright. I'll go to homecoming, but Aqua has to come too.

Aqua: What!

Skyla: Hey remember that you want me to go the Evanescene concert and you keep begging me. If I'm going to homecoming, then you're going too.

Aqua: Fine. I'll go to the stupid homecoming too. That doesn't I'm being forced to ask anybody out.

Victoria: Alright. It's settled. Everybody is going to homecoming. Now I'll have to go to work at the café.

Kendall: Oh yeah. We're going to be late, if we don't hurry.

Victoria: I guess we'll see you later then.

Kendall: Come on guys.

Cole: Right.

Mirina: Ok.

Victoria, Mirina, Cole, and Kendall went to work at the café, leaving the others at the park.

Axel: Well I have sleeping to do.

Danny: You always sleep Axel.

Axel: Yeah. I know.

Camille: We should get going too. We see you guys tomorrow.

Aqua: Bye guys!

Axel, Danny, and Camille went the dorm rooms, While Skyla, Dylan, and Aqua were still at the park.

Aqua: Well I'm going to leaving you alone. I have a date in my room on my laptop.

Skyla: Well I'll see you later sis.

Aqua: Bye Sis. Bye Dylan.

Skyla: Bye Aqua.

Dylan: Bye Aqua.

Aqua left Sierra Sky park, leaving Skyla and Dylan finally being alone together.

Skyla: Dylan, let's ask you something?

Dylan: *looks at Skyla* What is it?

Skyla: Why do you want to go to homecoming?

Dylan: I don't know. I guess I just want you to have fun.

Skyla: Well you have to make it up for me.

Dylan: *kiss Skyla on the cheek* I will baby.

Skyla: *giggles* We should get going too.

Dylan: Yeah.


Finally the chapter is done!!!!! Sorry guys. School is pain in my point of view. I managed to finish this chapter. I'll finish both chapters tomorrow and Wednesday. (Since its the only two days I could do) Anyways, stay tune for the next to chapters.

~Skyla Mccullough

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