Chapter 35: Softball incident

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Today is the month of the season of Sierra High's softball competition. Everyone in Sierra High is talking about the competition and the outcomes, then talks about the best players on the softball team. Skyla and Aqua were walking in the hallways and hearing what people are talking about.

Aqua: Sounds like people are talking about the softball team.

Skyla: *nods* Yeah. Today's is the big game. *smile* Also Dylan is going to play.

Aqua: *nods* Dylan is going to dominate the other team. *smirks* I can picture the sad faces of the other team with the look of shame and defeat they will bring for their school. *smiles* Yeah. We're going to win for sure.

Skyla: Yeah, if you put it that way. *opens her locker*

Dylan: *puts his hands around her waist and kisses her cheek* Morning Sky.

Skyla: *smiles* Morning Dylan.

Aqua: So Dylan, are you excited for the big game today?

Dylan: *chuckles* Yup. I'm so excited. *opens his locker*

Skyla: *smile*

Dylan: *takes out his duffle bag* I have to go. I need to be in the locker rooms in 10 minutes.

Skyla: Okay babe. *kisses him* Good luck.

Dylan: Thanks Sky. *kisses her forehead*

Aqua: See ya Dylan. Knock them down and win the game!

Dylan: *chuckles* I will. *rubs her head and leaves*

Skyla: *smiles and sighs*

Aqua: Come on Sky. We have work to do.

Skyla: *nods*

So the twins leaves the hallways and heads to the bakery to start her shift for the day.

Hours later..................

Skyla and Aqua: *enters their room*

Aqua: *lays down on her bed* Finally. Now I could sleep.

Skyla: *giggles softly and lays down on her bed* Yeah. We have a free evening to ourselves.

Aqua: *nods, yawns and falls asleep*

Skyla: *smile, yawns and falls asleep as well*

30 minutes later...............

Skyla: *slowly wakes up and yawns*

Her phone begins to beep.........

Skyla: *checks her phone, notice she has a message from Cole and reads it*

The text message says............

Skyla, I hope you get this message. It's about Dylan, he's in the hospital. I'll explain later. Please get here soon as possible. -Cole Ryan.

Skyla: !!!!!!!!! *gets up and leaves the room*

Meanwhile in the hospital.............

Cole: *standing in the waiting room* (Please be okay buddy)

Skyla: *arrives*

Cole: *sees Skyla*

Skyla: Cole. *gets worried and concern* Is Dylan okay? What happened? Please tell me.

Cole: When we got to the field, Dylan and his team were playing against the rival team. Once we were in the halfway of the game, a fight occurred between one of Dylan's teammates and one of the rival team's players. Dylan was trying to stop the fight before the team gets kicked out, but *sighs and talks in a sad tone* Dylan got hit in the skull with a baseball bat.

Skyla: !!!!!!!!!! *slowly starts crying*

Cole: *hugs her to comfort her*

Skyla: *hugs him back and cries*

Cole: *rubs her head*

Skyla: *still crying* (Dylan, please be okay. Please)

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