Chapter 16: First day on the job pt. 2

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Later on that same day, Victoria made her way to her second job for the day. When she got there, she spotted Kendall with Mirina and Cole waiting outside of the café.

Victoria: *walks to them* Hey guys.

Kendall: *Turns around and see Victoria* Hey Victoria.

Mirina: Hey Victoria.

Cole: Sup.

Victoria: It's not open yet?

Mirina: It's not going to be open in ten minutes.

Victoria: Oh ok.

Kendall: I can't believe that we're actually going to work. It's so cool.

Mirina: You're really excited about this?

Kendall: Yup.

Cole: I'm not surprised.

Victoria: Well I think it's going to be good working at the café. Being behind of the counter, making drinks and different types of coffee. It's giving me the rush.

Kendall: Did you drink coffee or something Victoria.

Victoria: No. I had a hot chocolate earlier when I was with Camille. It was delicious.

Mirina: I can tell. Are you excited Cole.

Cole: Yeah.

Kendall: See Cole's excited. Everybody is excited. Also ten minutes is up so let's go in.

Mirina: Ok.

Victoria: Sure.

Cole: ........

Victoria, Mirina, Camille, and Kendall went inside the cafe. Once they settled in, the owner of the café made an amazing appearance and start making a announcement.

Mr. Francis: Good Afternoon! Welcome to my café. You will be working here for two semesters and we're going to party like is 1970. Now students, I want you to do is take your schedule and sign it. That will be all for today. You'll all start on Wednesday.

Every student in the cafe took out their schedule and sign up their schedule for the day and time that they're going to work. After that meeting, Victoria and Mirina head to their dorms, while Kendall and Cole head to the field.

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