Chapter 20: Getting Ready

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Two days from homecoming, Skyla,Aqua, and Victoria went a little shopping to pick out their dresses for Homecoming, since Victoria loves the time of year for the event to happen.

Aqua: This is so boring!

Skyla: Quit complaining Diana, I told you since I'm going to homecoming, you're going too.

Aqua: Why would I be part of the stupid dance anyway. There's just going to girls who be fool of themselves and guys would be jackasses and do something stupid. Also far as I know, guys would be putting alcohol in the punch, so they could get drunk.

Skyla: Ok, now you just over reacting.

Aqua: Well it's the truth. Besides I thought you said you don't want to go to homecoming.

Skyla: Well I did promise Victoria, and you know I don't break promises. Besides, I have to give it a try.

Aqua: Oh I been meaning to ask you sis, Dylan is going to attend right?

Skyla: Yeah. He's with the guys picking Tuxedos.

Aqua: Oh ok.

Skyla: So are you going to ask someone to homecoming?

Aqua: Why would I ask someone to homecoming?

Skyla: I don't know, I'm just curious? You can't be the only girl with no date.

Aqua: Well I was going to ask Cole, but I don't think he would be interested.

Skyla: Why would think that?

Aqua: Um hello, he's like you, but more professional Emo. Besides, I just don't think he would be interested.

Skyla: Well at least ask him, for me and a whole two seasons of Black Butler.

Aqua: Ok!!! But I'm doing this for Black Butler.

Skyla: *giggles* Ok.

Aqua: *laughs*

Victoria: *runs to the twins* OMG!!!! I just found some beautiful dresses that I want you two to try out!

Aqua: No!!!!

Skyla: *laughs*

Victoria drag the two twins to try some dresses for the special event coming up. Later on that day, Dylan and the others boys were trying on tuxedos, while Mirina and Camille were judging the best tux for the guys.

Axel: *shows Mirina* How about this one?

Mirina: No.

Kendall: *shows Camille* This one?

Camille: No.

Danny: *shows the girls* This one at least?

Mirina and Camille: No.

Kendall: Man this is so frustrating!!!

Mirina: You just have find the perfect one that fits you the most, but the ones you guys pick was not your style.

Cole: How about this?

He came out of the dressing room, wearing a Black Tuxedo with a hint of purple shade.

Camille: Omg! It's so cute.

Mirina: Now you got the idea Cole.

Kendall: How is so easy for you Cole.

Cole: I don't know. It just easy I guess.

Mirina: Dylan are you done yet?

Dylan: Almost.

Axel: Hurry up dude.

Dylan came out with a nice black tuxedo, like he's looking cool as James Bond.

Dylan: Well?

Axel: Damn James Bond.

Camille: It looks really nice.

Mirina: It really fits you.

Dylan: *rubs the back of his head and laughs* Thanks.

Kendall: Man even Dylan has a better tuxedo than we do.

Axel: You're right Kenny. We need to step up our game. Now let's pick the best tuxedo!

Kendall: Yeah!!!

Axel and Kendall were storming around the store finding the perfect tuxedo they could find, while Camille, Mirina, Cole, Dylan stare at them very confused.


So sorry!!!!! This is the last time I'm going to write a late chapter. Stay tuned what happens in the next chapter. Is the gang going to have a good time? Will Aqua go with Cole to homecoming even though she doesn't want to go to homecoming. It all lies in the chapter. Hope you enjoyed the story. ~ Skyla McCullough

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