Chapter 12: Sign ups

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On a nice and sunny day, Skyla and Aqua were walking in the hallways, until they spotted the others.

Victoria: Skyla! Diana! Over here!

Aqua: Hey guys!

Camille: Good morning.

Kendall: Did you two sleep well?

Aqua: Yup.

Skyla: Yeah.

Cole: Hey guys.

Aqua: Cole! *hugs him*

Cole: *blushes* Good morning Aqua.

Aqua: *smiles at him*

Dylan: Good morning Sky.

Skyla: *kiss Dylan* Good morning Dylan.

Aqua: Oh my god! That's so cute!

Skyla: *blushes* Shut up.

Aqua: Oh come on Skylie, That was cute!

Skyla: *hides her face on Dylan's chest* Stop!

Aqua: *laughs* So why are you guys are in the hallway?

Mirina: We're checking out clubs.

Aqua: Clubs huh?

Kendall: Yeah. I'm going to join the football team with Axel.

Axel: What's up bitches!

Kendall: Speak of the devil! What's up Axel.

Axel: Nothing. I'm a little bit tired, but I'm fine.

Kendall: Well you're not going to be tired any soon, because the sign ups for the football team is ready to be sign by yours truly.

Axel: Shut the fuck up!

Kendall: Yeah. It's calling our names, let's go sign it.

Axel: Ok.

Axel and Kendall step forward to the sign up board and sign their names for the team.

Axel: We're going to ace the football team.

Kendall: Hell yeah

Victoria: You two will never change

Kendall: You know it.

Mirina: I'm going to sign up for the softball team.

Aqua: They have a softball team?

Mirina: Yup. Both boys and girls.

Aqua: Sign me up.

Dylan: Me too.

Skyla: I guess I could play too.

The four teens sign their names for the softball team. Skyla and Aqua also sign to help out Coco's bakery with Victoria and Camille. Kendall, Mirina, Cole and also Victoria sign up to help out the cafe next to the bakery. Cole sign up for the boys basketball team. Danny and Camille sign up for service. Then Skyla, Aqua, Cole , and Dylan sign up for leadership.

Aqua: Well that's done.

Danny: Yeah you guys sign a lot of activities.

Camille: A lot indeed.

Kendall: Well that's because we're cool kids.

Mirina: Besides, there's a lot of new things that I like to try out.

Aqua: Yeah.

Axel: Also we're badasses of course.

Kendall: Hell Yeah.

Axel and Kendall: *hive five each other*

Mirina: Oh my god.

Victoria: Yeah. Oh my god indeed.

Cole: 410 guys. Madison is coming.

Skyla: Great.

The gang saw Madison, Rachel, and Missy walking down the hall with flyers in their arms.

Madison: Well the whole gang is here.

Missy: Yup even cowgirl show up.

Victoria: *tightened her fists*

Kendall: Calm down Victoria.

Mirina: What do you bimbos want from us?

Rachel: Nothing really.

Missy: We're just passing out flyers for cheerleading tryouts. Camille you were a cheerleader once right?

Camille: ........

Rachel: That's right. In middle school. You were famous back then “Miss Valentine."  But I forgot what happen. Can you refresh my memory Missy.

Missy: Sure. Camille Valentine aka Miss Popular Rich Girl. Seventh grade, she flaked the cheerleading squad because she didn't want her sister to know about-

Mirina: Shut up!!!

Camille: Mirina clam down.

Axel: She's right. It's not worth it.

Rachel: Aw. Mirina's crush and girlfriend is protecting her.

Missy: How cute.

Axel: Crush?

Rachel: Aw. You didn't tell Axel about your feelings for him.

Missy: Well every girl always want a handsome face for her attention.

Victoria: Shut the hell up Missy.

Missy: *gets in Victoria's face* Make me.

Madison: That's enough girls. We'll continue this chat some other time. So Camille if you want to join the squad and became “Miss Popularity" find us in the gym.

Madison gave Camille a flyer and the three girls left. Soon as that happens, Mirina walks away nothing but anger.

Victoria: Mirina?! Man I'm going to kill Missy!

Kendall: Calm down Victoria. It's not worth it.

Danny: Yeah. They're just messing with us.

Camille: *rips the paper and run*

Danny: Camille! Wait! *follows her*

Kendall: Damn it.

Axel: Ok. Kendall, Victoria, and Cole come with me.

Kendall: Ok. Skyla, Aqua, and Dylan find Danny and Camille.

Dylan: Ok. Come on twins.

Twins: Ok.

Dylan, Skyla, and Aqua went to go find Camille and Danny. While Axel, Kendall, Victoria, and Cole went to go find Mirina.

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