Chapter 18: Science Presentation

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On a Friday morning, Skyla, Dylan, and Cole was in History learning about the war in 1812. The students were finishing up their work; until the bell ring for the next class.

Mr Larkin: Ok students, your homework is to finish the questions about war 1812. Now have a nice day.

The students pack up their things and start heading to the next class. Skyla, Dylan, and Cole were walking down the halls to go to their next class.

Dylan: I can believe we're start our science presentation today.

Cole: What are you two going to present?

Skyla: Cell Structure. What are you and my weird sister going to present?

Cole: Eclipses and she really wants to do the topic.

Skyla: Like I said, weird sister of mine. I wonder what others are doing?

Dylan: Who knows, maybe it's something good.

Cole: Yup.

Skyla, Dylan, and Cole finally arrived to their second class; where they meet Aqua and the others talking about random stuff.

Aqua: *sees Cole* Hey Cole!

Cole: Hey Aqua.

Camille: Good morning.

Axel: How was class with Mr. Larkin?

Dylan: It was good.

Skyla: It was pretty chill.

Aqua: I'm so excited for the presentation.

Skyla: If you be too excited, your head is going pop.

Aqua: That will be too cool!

Skyla: Too hyper.

Dylan: *chuckles*

Mrs. Ray: *walks in the room* Good morning class.

Students: Good morning Mrs. Ray!

Mrs. Ray: Ok. First, we're going to do is the warm up. Then, we're going to start the science presentation.

Kendall: All right! Let's get this party started!

Aqua: Yay!

Mrs. Ray: Well two of my students is  excited. I love it. Ok students, start the warm up and you have ten minutes to finish.

The students started the warm up. Then, each pair of students went up to the front of class and started their presentation. Once the whole was finished with the presentation, the bell ring for the students to go on break. Skyla and rest of the gang, were at Sierra Sky park, taking about their presentations.

Kendall: Presentation was awesome!!!

Aqua: I know right? Cole and I did an awesome presentation. We was clearly the best.

Skyla: *sarcasm* Yeah Aqua, you and Cole were the best.

Aqua: Ok, Skyla you're sarcasm isn't working.

Skyla: At least, you're smart enough to figure that out.

Aqua: Haha.

Skyla: I love you sis.

Aqua: I love you too Sky.

Axel: Aw, now that's some sister love. *yawns* I'm so tired.

Kendell: Yeah me too.

Victoria: You're always tired.

Kendall: *lays on Victoria's lap* Yup. Always tired.

Victoria: Lazy ass.

Kendall: *yawns*

Camille: *giggles*

Mirina: Good thing we got one more class.

Axel: Oh yeah huh?

Aqua: What's your class Mirina?

Mirina: English with Axel, Kendall, and Camille.

Aqua: Cool, I have Algebra with Cole, Danny, and Victoria.

Victoria: Oh hell no! Algebra is not my friend right now. I was lucky to pass Algebra in middle school.

Kendall: Oh yeah, we did have Algebra together huh?

Victoria: Yeah. You almost fail the class if it wasn't for Danny.

Kendall: I thank Danny for that.

Danny: No problem, I'm happy to help.

Aqua: What class do you have next Skylie?

Skyla: I have English with Dylan.

Axel: Now the love birds can be together once again.

Skyla: I have the strangest feeling to punch you Axel.

Axel: *wraps his arm around Skyla* Listen Skyla, I'm like your long lost brother. We have very special connection, so you can't hit your brother from another mother.

Skyla: *rolls her eyes* Ok, "brother".

Bell rings....................

Kendall: Well that's the bell, time for English.

Aqua: Yay!!! Come on Victoria, Cole, and Danny, time for Algebra.

Victoria: No!!!!!!! *gets dragged by Aqua*

Aqua: Bye Skylie and Dylan!!! Have fun!

Skyla: Bye Sis.

Dylan: See ya later.

The gang went to their separate ways to get to class.


Sorry for the late chapter. High school is killing me, hard to type the chapters, but doesn't mean I'm stopping. Stay tune on the chapter tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday. -SkylaberryUzumaki

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