Chapter 17: Serving Sweets

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On a Wednesday evening, Skyla, Aqua, Victoria, and Camille head to the bakery to start the real first day of work. Once the girls got there, they took their positions and start working.

Aqua: This awesome! I'm behind the counter for once.

Camille: Why you say that?

Aqua: I always take the orders at my first job.

Victoria: You had a first job?

Aqua: Yeah. It was a summer job actually. Skyla and I work in the family business together.

Camille: That's cool. What's it like Skyla?

Skyla: In my opinion, I think it was fun when you meet people, but it's boring when nobody comes for a while.

Victoria: I see. Camille can you help me for a bit?

Camille: Sure Victoria. *follows Victoria*

Aqua: Hey Sky, can I ask you something?

Skyla: Sure, what is it?

Aqua: How are you with your relationship with Dylan?

Skyla: It's going good so far. Why did you ask?

Aqua: You know just asking, I just want you to be happy.

Skyla: I'm happy sis, thank you for asking Aqua, I appreciated.

Aqua: *smiles* You're welcome Skyla. We should get to work.

Skyla: Yeah.

Skyla and Aqua kept working until the day was over. Later on that day, Victoria met Kendall, Mirina, and Cole at the café.

Victoria: What's people!

Kendall: There's my girl! Are you ready.

Victoria: Yeah, I'm ready. Let's do this.

Mirina: You seem excited Victoria.

Victoria: Well yeah. I had an amazing time with the twins and Camille at the bakery. So I'm excited for working with you guys.

Kendall: Now that's the attitude that I'm looking for Victoria.

Cole: Guys it's time to work.

Mirina: Ok, let's get to work.

Kendall: Ok.

Victoria: Right.

The four teens went inside the café to work for the day.


Chapter is over! Stay tune for the next chapter on Friday!~Skyla McCullough

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