6- Breakup

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This chapter got deleted and I have to start all over. But hope u enjoy this crappy chapter!

I woke up in my bed. I look at the time. Oh shit, I'm still early. Hehe, I slowly got up from my bed. I picked my clothes and wear them before going out of my room. I grab my backpack and put on my shoes. I also got my phone, wallet, and especially the key to my hear-, I mean apartment.

First, I stop at a café. I ordered a coffe
e and a slice of cake. I ate it and drink the coffee I ordered.

After that, I look at the time. '7:23'I mumble before continue on walking. I didn't saw Yoongi but oh well. Maybe he's late?I guess. I walk to the hallway and didn't see Jane.

I open my locker and put some stuff there from my bag since my bag is a little heavy so I'll leave it here instead. I close my locker door before heading to my first class.

I walk once again in the hallway and finally arrive at my classroom. I went to my seat and got an idea. I got out my sketch book and started drawing something. I look out at the window and saw some beautiful birds flying together in the sky...

The bell rings signalling that class is starting. Yoongi revealed on the door along with the six. They walk to their seat which is near me.

Yoongi came up and seated next to me. "Hey Yoongs" I greeted. He just looks at me with a cold expression which made me confused. Why is he looking at me like that. It's kinda scary I admit.

He didn't bother to reply or greet me a good morning. "Morning Y/N, u look pretty today" Namjoon complimented me and thanked him. I turn back at the window and wonder why Yoongi is like this. I shrug off the thoughts as the teacher walks in.

I didn't pay much on the teacher. I have been thinking about Yoongi and to my luck, the teacher didn't notice me...I look down at my sketch book and started scribbling in it. 

It's now lunch time and I sat with the rest but Yoongi isn't still here. I asked them but they answered that they don't know why.

I got my tray and eat the food. I keep zoning and the rest seemed to notice it. They asked me if I'm okay and I replied with a simple yes.

"I wonder what Hyung is doing" Jungkook muttered and we all heard it. "Yeah, I kinda asked myself what Yoongi is doing now" Taehyung said while his mouth full.

"Don't talk when your mouth is full Tae" Jin said more like scolded. Tae nodded and after finishing his food.

This is the last class I got and Yoongi still have that cold expression towards me. I am STILL confuse why he's doing that. Did I do something wrong? No, I didn't do anything wrong.

The teacher walks out for a meeting leaving his students in the classroom. Me and Yoongi aren't sitting next to each other. I have to admit, I kinda miss his touch and warmth.

I look out the window as I saw the birds. I envy them...

I felt a tap on the shoulder. I turn around and saw Yoongi standing.

I just hummed in response. "Meet me at the rooftop after class" Before I can respond, he left without hesitation. What's wrong with him!?!.

I look back at the window and just enjoyed the view.

The bell rings signalling school is over. I quickly got up and made my way out of the classroom. I was about to walk pass through the school gate but stop when I remembered that I have to go to the rooftop because I have to meet Yoongi there. I turned around and walk through the hallways.. I made my way to the second floor. Then the third floor, and fourth and boom!. I arrived at the rooftop.

I saw two figure standing which are the persons I knew, Jane and Yoongi. Jane is clinging into Yoongi's arm. I felt like my heart have been stabbed a million times. I was hurt but didn't want to cry infront of him. I walk to them.

"Oh the slut is here" Jane said as she noticed my existence. Yoongi walk up to me. "What does this mean?" I whispered. He shrugged and smiled at Jane

"I have to tell u something which u must know now." He said in a serious tone.

"I don't love u, I didn't love u from the start. I used u, I hate u, Your just a piece of shit. Your not important to me. Oh and that promise?I'm sorry but I hate you. Remember this, Your.Just.A.Piece.Of.Shit" He said.

I just walked away leaving them being lovey-dovey. Ugh!All this time??I have been used. Just like my ex-friend. I hate everyone, I should've not trust them.

I won't trust anyone anymore.

~Yoongi POV~

"You did a good job babe!" Jane said as she hugged me. Oh how I wish to kill this girl and cut her head off.

I secretly rolled my eyes and went to drive her home.

~End Of POV~

I arrive at my apartment and throw my bag on the couch. I decided to go out for some fresh air. I went to the park and sat one the bench and stared at the sun setting.

"I deserve this" I mumbled to myself. I closed my eyes as my hair fly in the air along with the wind.

I sat there for a while and decided to go back since it's getting late. I open the front door with my keys of course and put off my shoes and put it near the door.

I got some food from the fridge and after that I went to my room and took a quick shower. I change into PJs before jumping on my bed.

I finally jumped on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Just before I knew it, I drifted to sleep.


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