Fight For Myself || 16

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You brought the flames and you put me through hell_____________Bahira's POV

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You brought the flames and you put me through hell
Bahira's POV

The past few weeks have passed by in a blur. After those texts from Liam, my life just hasn't felt the same. If I didn't feel my world was already upside down, then now it surely is. I can't begin to describe it.

It feels like my entire life here has been a lie. My "new world" experience, was all bullshit. I've been receiving non-stop texts and calls from Karla. Apologizing for not telling me who or what she was doing. How she swears she's doing this for my own good.

I'm just honestly tired of everyone's bullshit.

As far as Harry and I, well that is nonexistent. Yes we're still together, but ever since the incident, he makes it his priority to avoid me at all costs. He's never home when I am and he makes sure to come home when I'm too tired to even care. Normally, I would vent to Karla about all of this. But being that the only two people that I'm close to right now aren't being honest with me, I'm out of options.

So here I am on a Saturday morning, catching up on some of my studies blasting music through my headphones. I was so lost in my own world that I didn't even hear my front door open, let alone hear the shower start. But when I did, I became curious. I know it's Harry, no doubt about that. Yet I couldn't help be puzzled.

Because it's his home too Bahira.

Well no shit.

Suspicion begun to arouse as I noticed the time. It was 5 pm on a Saturday, he had fairly nice clothes picked out, nothing too fancy. And his phone was sitting there on the night stand charging. Now, I never wanted to be "that girl".

Fuck it.

I got up, marking the page in my text book before closing it and got up. I walked towards the bathroom and pressed my ear to the door. The sounds of Harry's voice belted through the veil of water as he sung along to Killer Queen. I knew that I had until the song was over, to do whatever what I had to.

I walked over to the night stand and picked up his phone. Using my thumb print I got in with no problem. I began to scroll through everything I could think of. His text messages, his Twitter , Snapchat, Instagram, hell even his Facebook. Ultimately, I ended up finding nothing. That's when the guilt started to set in.

Had I really just been overreacting this whole time?

I shook my head, completely disappointed with myself. Surely all his "excuses" weren't excuses anymore. And now I look like a crazy, untrustworthy girlfriend. Letting out a huge sigh I locked his phone and set it back down on the nightstand. Taking my position back on the bed, I flipped open my textbook. I was about to put on my headphones and return to my little world until I heard it.

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