Chapter 11: Betrayal At It's Finest

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I walk into my personal bathroom. I look in the mirror.

My red smile is leaking blood onto my blue skin. Around my hair and pretty much everywhere else, my skin is light blue. The black liquid runs down my face, staining the skin.

My white hair has changed from white into a mixture of black and brown. My hair is still long, reaching to the back of my knees.

I stare at my blue hands, focusing. I force all the negative energy around me into my hands. My hands start to tingle.

A familiar but dull pain erupts in my head. I concentrate on my hands. They start to change, turning into red claws. I groan, closing my eyes.

I open my eyes. My hands have transformed into red claws. I smile, looking at the mirror.

I pick up my hair with my hand. I look at it.

"You are always in the way and hard to manage. Today, this stops." I angrily comment. I close my eyes, slicing my hair. I feel the black, white and brown locks falling to the floor. I pick a comb, brushing my now short hair. I grin.

I leave my severed locks on the ground, retracting my claws. I smile, walking over to my bed. I sit down, making daddy's and mommy's dolls.


I finish three dolls, gently picking them up. I smile at them. I pull up my hood. I exit my bedroom, careful with the dolls. I walk into the kitchen. Everyone is getting ready for dinner. I smile, sitting at the table. I set the three dolls on the table in front of me.

Daddy walks into the kitchen. I smile, picking up his doll. I hold it up, humming. He looks over at me, confused. I motion for him to come over. I hold the doll up to him

"What is this for?" He asks, holding the doll. I smile softly, pointing to him. "Is it for me?"

I nod gently. He smiles, walking off. I sit gently on my seat, waiting for mommy. I start playing with my doll, smiling.

Mommy walks into the dining room, sitting next to me. He points to his doll, leaning on the table.

"Is that me?" He asks. I nod, gently holding the doll to him. He takes it. "For me?"

I nod gently, going back to my doll. He chuckles, setting the doll in his pocket. A white calloused hand is placed on my own. I look up. Mommy is looking at me.

"Are you okay?" He asks, looking away from me. "You aren't talking."

"I'm fine, mommy. Just... remembering..." I explain. His aura twists in confused anger.

"Remembering what?" He asks, slightly hostile. I sigh.

"My... issues. I still don't know... how I forgot." I explain gently. He sighs.

"Okay, (Y/N), you have been acting weird ever since your siblings got back and I have no idea why! Will you just tell me?!" He asks, clearly angered. I take a deep breath, closing my eyes.

"I'm... sensitive. My DNA is easy to alter. It's a condition. One small stand of someone else's DNA can instantly alter my physical and mental appearances. It's bad. That's why I was blue. That's why I inherited the black tears and the red smile. That's why I am completely broken. The list goes on and on." I explain.

I hear Lexi and Mark enter the kitchen. I stand up, slamming my hands on the table. I turn around, looking at Lexi with so much hatred. If looks could kill, she would already be burning in hell. My fists clench tight.

I walk up to her, fueled by emotion. I hold my hand above her. I swing, smacking her. She falls off her feet. I pull a scalpel from my pocket. I hold her to the ground by her throat.

"What did you tell him?" I ask, black tears falling down my face. "Why does he hate me?! I knew as soon as you told him something, his heart twisted in anger towards me! What did you do?! Tell me right fucking now or I will tear out your kidney and eat it for lunch!" I yell, angry tears falling down my face.

She purses her lips. I push myself off her, scoffing. I dig the heel of my boot into her gut. She gasps out in pain. I smirk, twisting the scalpel between my fingers. I take a deep breath, stepping off of her. She pants heavily.

"Don't tell me you believe that... She is a liar! She has lied to us since... that day..." I mutter. She looks at me scared. I pick her up, holding her to the wall. I stare directly into her eyes.

"I would kill you, right here on the spot." I start. She looks at me, frightened. A sickening sweet smile crosses my face. "But... I might let you suffer. I might make you watch me... Watch me slowly kill you with my new family... The ones that were there for me... WHEN YOU WEREN'T!" I yell.

I point to Jill.

"And you know what? SHE was the one that killed our parents! I watched her cut them in half with my own eyes! And you know what? I laughed, those assholes finally got the karma they deserved and I was happy! SHE was there for me, through every punch, every kick, every emotional breakdown, every. Fucking! THING! A murderer, she was there for every surgery, every torture session. And you weren't!" I scream. Black tears soak daddy's hoodie. "And you know what... I don't even know why this pisses me off. Oh, yeah. That bomb..."

She looks at me, eyes wide. I laugh at her reaction.

"You really didn't think I knew?! It's already disarmed!" I yell. I grab the collar of her shirt with both hands, ramming her into the wall. "Listen here. You can hurt me as much as you like, you can hurt yourself as much as you like, you can hurt Laughing Jack as much as you like."

I ram her harder into the wall, knocking the wind out of her. I feel everyone enter the dining room. My red claws have grown.

"But, you CANNOT HURT MY FUCKING FAMILY! I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE THREATEN THE THINGS I LOVE! So, I'm going to kill you the best possible way I could think of." I scream.

I throw her to the ground.

"I am going to tear off all your limbs, then I am going to stab you and finally I am going to tear out you organs and watch you die while I eat them. Got it?!"

Her eyes are closed, tears rolling down her face. I roll my eyes. She pulls a knife out of her boot. She stands up, holding it to Mark's neck.

"Don't come any closer, you monsters!" She yells. I freeze in shock. I blink. Mark looks at me, scared. He begs for me to save him.

"The only monster I see here... is YOU!" I yell, running at her. She stabs Mark in the chest.

Tears fall from my eyes. I tackle her off my brother.

I growl, digging a claw into her abdomen. She gasps, eyes wide. I smirk, staring into her eyes. I tear out her kidney. I take a bite out of it.

"Or, I could just skip all the stabbing and tearing off limbs. That's fine for me. Oh, and I always hated your stupid voice. Every word you said filled me with anger. And.. your stupid mind trick won't work. I'm too far gone." I explain. Her eyes widen. I smirk. I pull out her other kidney. I eat it, smiling widely. I push my hood down. Her eyes widen.

"Where..." She gasps out. I drop her to the ground. I laugh.

"I just cut it off, no big deal. Better than cutting myself!" I yell, yanking off daddy's hoodie. I grab her by her hair, forcing her to look at my arm. Forty or so scars litter my arms. "This is what happens when a big sister knows her baby brother hates her guts!"

She dies, falling limp on the ground. Tears fall from my eyes as I crawl over to my brother. I feel for a pulse. More tears start falling.

I cradle his head in my lap. I won't be able to save him.

"Here my voice beneath the sea, sleeping now so peacefully. At the bottom of the sea, sleep for all eternity. Good night... baby brother.." I mumble. He dies.

And... she lost both her 'siblings' in an hour... Just as I planned.

Cold: A Creepypasta X Reader (Finished)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum