The bickering continued, but I wasn't there to listen to it. I stood up and walked over to Davis and Greengrass.

"Is Stainface Scarfneck here?" I asked them.

Davis smirked up at me from across the table.

"Ravenclaw table, closer to the teachers, about ten people in. Wearing a Ravenclaw scarf, talking to Loony Lovegood." She said, without looking back at the girl.

I fixed my cloak around my shoulders, adjusted my bag and tightened my ponytail, making sure it was perfect.

"Can we come?" Greengrass asked excitedly.

I placed my hand on her shoulder and bent over to get to their sitting height.

"Not this time." I told them and stood back up.

I took a sharp turn and strutted toward the Ravenclaw table. It was like everything was in slow motion as I approached the table, almost all the Ravenclaws turned to look at me.

"Hi, Raven." A boy smiled.

I looked at him and scoffed, then looked back to where I was walking. I made my way to the only girl with a scarf around her neck. I approached the girl and looked at the boy beside her.

"Shove over." I told him.

He quickly pushed over and made room for me.

"Hey sis!" I smiled while sitting beside her, leaning my back on the table.

"What is it, Snape?" She asked me.

"I just wanted to apologize." I told her.

"Did Dad put you up to this?" She asked.

"Father. It's fath- You know what? Doesn't matter. No, father did not put me up to this. It is coming straight from the heart. I mean this with all my heart." I smiled kindly.

"Well thank-"

"I'm so sorry that you are the ugliest, most funny looking person I have ever seen! Almost as bad as a Mountain Troll." I told her.

She pulled out her wand and flicked it at me, rolling her eyes. She stood up with Loony Lovegood and began to walk away. I opened my mouth to ask her what she just did, but nothing came out. I tried again. Nothing came out. I got angry. I stood up followed behind her. I tried to yell at her. I caught up to her and smacked the back of her head, trying to continue yelling at her.

"Calm down. I just used a silencing charm. Now people don't have to listen to your awful insults." She said to me, her voice cracking.

I pushed her. If I couldn't cast charms, I'd fight her the muggle way. I pushed her again. She began to run with Lovegood. I ran too. I grabbed the end of her scarf and I pulled. She lurched backward and fell, hitting her head on the floor. She stared up at the ceiling, a look of panic on her face, tears spilling down her face. Her breathing was shaky. In a moment, arms wrapped around me and lead me away from the girl. I knew for a face it was Draco from the pale skin, the bracelet around his wrist that matched mine, and the Slytherin ring. He dragged me out of the Great Hall.

"What the bloody hell was that?" He asked me.

I tried to explain, but was quickly reminded that I couldn't say anything. He looked at me, waiting for the explanation. I sighed and took a piece of parchment out from my bag. I sat on the floor. I took out a quill and ink and wrote: 'That troll casted a silencing charm without saying anything. Now I can't talk.' I showed it to Draco. He read it and sighed.

"Okay, she deserved it." He said.

Davis and Greengrass ran out of the Great Hall and looked around before looking at Draco and then down at me.

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