"Murphy!" Doc yelled as I turned to face him. "Ghost town." Addy said. "Nothing but quiet." 10k said to her. "Nothing. No one here." Vasquez said as rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "Without Murphy, there's no mission. Keep moving." Warren said to us before we walking off. "For as important as this guy is, we sure lose him a lot." Vasquez said. "Still think he's taken." I said as doc yelled Murphy. Vasquez looked down at me as I slowly stared up at him. "Anyone could have, that borcast was heard by porably everyone." I said to him and he nodded his head. I kept up with them as we walked on. "Murphy, better be taken" 10k muttered and I turned to face him. I watched him as we walked. He was done with all of this, his pissed off face and anger stern eyes. He turned to face me before his face soften and his eyes became calm. I smiled at him before he took my hand, pulling me with him.

I looked throw the tiny window in the door and sighed. I moved out of the way as 10k kicked the door. I stared in, watching for anything, even taking a step in to see more of the house. "Nothing." I muttered and pulled myself out of the house. 10k stared at me before nodding. We walking to the next house and the next. Got jumped a few Z's, but nothing big. Sad that that is nothing big. "Geneva, you ready?" I looked up at 10k and slowly nodded at him. He opened the door and there was a Z. I watched as it went right after 10k. I sighed and stabbed it before he could. He stared at me than at the Z, before looking back at me. "Take the ki-" I was cut off by a Z coming out of the house and at me. I pulled my knife out only for 10k stab the Z before me. I stared at him and smiled at him. I put my hand up at him and he high fived me.

"Murphy! Murphy!" Doc yelled as we climbed the hill. "Come on, man." he said as he dropped his arm and sighed. "All right. We need to fan out or we won't find Murphy by nightfall." Warren said to us. I sighed at I pulled out my gun, rolling my eyes yet again. "Well why we got to split up? I hate that." Doc said. I patted him on the back and started to walk off. I took a few steps down the street, watching all angles, but what's the point, there's nothing around here. I sighed and took out my water, leaning on a building as I slowly took a few sips. I throw it back in my bag and wiped the last in my mouth. I pushed myself off the building and started to walk again.

I walked over to a building and saw something resting on the side. I stared at it and my eyes whined. I walked to the door and grabbed it. "Locked." I muttered and took a step back. There was a Z on the ground as I looked around the building. I tapped on the glass and waited for a moment, waiting for a Z to come out of nowhere, but nothing. I walked over to his stuff and sighed. "Someone's hiding something in here." I said as I dropped his stuff carefully. I looked around and opened at window as quietly as I could. I slowly pulled myself in and looked around. I pointed my gun and looked around every corner. I walked up the stairs, making my step silent as a mouse."Murphy." I whipstered. "10k" I whipstered. I came to the corner and slowly looked up the stairs. I slowly nodded to myself and turned before walking up the steps. Hitting the top I looked around before looking around the corner. I took a step or two and saw the Z's standing there.

I watched them as the walk over, only to stop. They were getting zapped and I nodded at them. I pushed myself to the shaded corner and watched the Z's. They stopped seeing me with their bad eyes as the stood there. I lowered my gun and looked around. I saw Murphy in a chair, his eyes had to me closed as he sat there. Whoever tied him there had to have done something to knock him out. They were draining his blood as he began to steir. I looked over and saw someone on the ground next to him. My eyes whened as I realized who it was. I kept my eyes on them as a guy came up the stairs. I stared at him, keeping my head straight as I did so. He walked over to them before I covered my mouth. If I had gotten in here any slower he could have seen me. I moved quickly and ran behind the Z stands. They watched me for a moment, before going back to him. I keep quiet as I stood there, he stared at them for a moment, before he had to get bored.

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