Chapter Sixteen- The Elegance Dance! <3

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Hey lovely fans and readers! Welcome to an important event in WWAU! The.... (drum roll) .... ELEGANCE DANCE! Dedicated to KonataIzumi101! This special event has been written by three important writers (who are awesome and much, much more): MoonyGuitar, tuffyteller68, and JuliaLupin (myself). This chapter was made so that you guys could experience things you have NEVER seen before (technically, read before)! This drama packed chapter includes xxxx xx xxxxx, xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, xxx xxxx, xxxx, xxxx. (Sorry, I couldn't tell you that. It would give away some of the chapter!) Anyway, this has been skillfully written by amazing writers and such, so we wouldn't give you a boring chapter, now would we? We have taken a lot fo time (and effort) to make this wonderful for you! I would love to see your thoughts by commenting and your love by voting! Please, we worked really hard! READ ONTO THIS INTERESTING EVENT MY LOVELIES! <3

Chapter Sixteen- The Elegance Dance <3

Bella's POV <3

I glanced in the mirror, fastening the amethyst bow in my brown hair. A grin spread across my face as I observed the beautiful purple blending in nicely with my hair.

Tonight is the night of the Elegance Dance. Michelle, Riley, Sylvia, Rachel, Jessica, and I were getting ready at Ella's house. She didn't mind having a big party of people anyway.

Ella is so sweet. She defends her friends, no matter what. I remember in kindergarten, she told off a little boy for stealing my book.

As I was smiling at the memory, Riley walked into the room. "Hey Bella. What are you smiling about?"

"Do you remember the time Ella told off that little boy who stole my book from me?" I questioned, glancing at my hair.

"Oooh." She smiled, recalling the memory. " I remember that day. The boy was so close to tears."

We both started to laugh, remembering the poor boy's shocked face. Michelle walked into the room and grabbed her makeup case.

"What are you two laughing at? Hopefully its not me!" She gasped fake horror.

"No, you're beautiful. It's just the memory when Ella almost made a little boy pee himself in freight." Riley laughed out.

Michelle looked utterly shocked, almost flabbergasted. " She did what?"

Riley and I looked at her facial expression and burst out laughing. "It was when she was in kindergarten!"

"Ooh." She grinned sheepishly. "That makes more sense. I mean, it's Ella."

I opened my Vera Bradley bag and fished out my makeup case. I also pulled out my straightener and curling iron.

We linked arms, laughing, and went into the master bathroom. We told Michelle about the whole incident with the boy and Ella.

When we walked into the master bathroom, our mouths practically dropped to the floor. It was HUGE! There was a big sink, a big tub with different scent bubble taps, a separate room for the toilet, another separate room for the shower, and two big full mirrors on a wall.

I glanced at Riley and Michelle's shocked faces as they tried to take in all of the room at once. I walked up and looked at myself in one of the full mirrors.

"Close your mouths, you'll catch flies." A voice joked behind us.

I turned around and saw Ella smirking. Rachel walked in, brushing her long raven hair that fell past her waist. Jessica had a guilty look on her face as she walked in. Sylvia flipped into the bathroom and gasped.

A huge smile formed on her face and squealed. "I absolutely love it! I wish I had one of these."

"Don't we all," I smirked. "You never showed us this part of the house before!"

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