Chapter Thirteen

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Hey guys! :) Another new character is added in this chapter! So many people! I know, but it has to be kinda big before the dance.... so it will be more exciting! :) I will write chapters on it from couples POV's. But now, I am writing beforet he dance! Love you all as normal! :) Sorry for the wait!

Chapter Thirteen

Michelle's POV

Thank God it's study hall after this. I hate math. I thought to myself. I walked back to my locker, annoyed with math.

I opened my locker and as usual, tons of notes fell out of it. I sighed deeply, annoyed with the random love notes too. Before, I thought it was cute, but now it's just boring and a pain to clean up.

I swept the notes to the side and placed my books inside where they belong. I picked up my History notebook and the book I was reading.

Walking down to study hall, random guys came up to me and would yell compliments as I walked away. I sighed and walked faster.

Some weird girls would like the power to control guys at will. But honestly, I think it's annoying how they follow you around, annoy you, and try to impress you. ALL THE TIME. It's seriously annoying.

I walked into the somewhat empty room and took a seat at one of the desks. I pulled out my history notebook and read over them. I then picked the worksheet out of the notebook and  to work on the questions.

Finally, I was done. I had no homework and I still had a good 30 minutes left in study hall before dismissal. I picked up my book in front of me and started to read.

I was so engrossed in the book, I didn't even notice a guy was in a desk right next to me. He kept looking over, curiously, and turned back to his work.

Glancing up a bit from my book, I saw the guy staring at me, totally. When he met my eyes, a blush spread across his face.

"Uh.. sorry about that. I-i wasn't being weird..." He stuttered.

"It's okay." I answer reassuringly. "Were you trying to get my attention?"

"Uhm... sort of. Hi, I'm Gary." He answered, embarrassed.

"I'm Michelle. So why did you want to get my attention, Gary?" I asked, curiously.

"Well, I was uh... wondering what book you were reading." He mumbled, cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"Well, I am reading the Hunger Games. Have you read them before?" I responded, looking up from my book.

"Well, I haven't and I couldn't find anyone who would lend me the book." He mumbled. "They always said that 'they were reading it' or 'someone else has it'. It's annoying. A lot of people are using these books because they want to read it, and then someone never gets to read it."

"Well, I agree. I will lend you the books, but I expect them back in good condition! They are my favorite books, after all. I don't let anyone just use them. I trust you with the book!" I assure him.

He bursts out laughing. "Wow. I have never met someone so protective over a book!"

"Well, you don't know me then. I trust you!" I laugh.

I hand him the book and he happily takes it. "Time to see what I have been missing!"

"Yes, you have been missing a lot then." I smirk.

He is immediately reading the first chapter and I can't help but crack up at his eager face. I am suprised that he can read that book when a charmer neko is in the room. He must have some kind of tolerance to it or something.

I get bored so I pull out my drawing journal and start to doodle. I draw the lush forest, trees swaying in the wind. I capture the leaves movements as they did yesterday. I sketched the multi-color flowers moving in sync with the trees and themselves. I draw wildlife living their normal lives, moving in their ways. I sketch the plump, fluffy clouds that pass the sky, sliding gracefully along the bright blue canvas.

"What are you doing?" A sudden noise startles me from being in sync with the art.

"Ugh... Gary, I am drawing the forest. Why are you so interested? Didn't you see that I was 'being one' with the drawing?" I commented, annoyed.

He smirked at me, replying sarcasticly. "Well, I guess you were 'being one' with the drawing. But there are some guys behind you that I am afraid that are about to start drooling all over you."

I turn around, and surely enough, there are three guys staring at me. I roll my eyes at them and I hear Gary snicker.

"Sorry boys, but if you are going to make such a pathetic introduction, I am afraid that I will not go out with ANY of you. I am sorry, but you can leave now. I don't want someone that pratically drools on me and seems that pathetic." I rolled my eyes, turning back to my drawing.

"Happens a lot?" Gary asked.

"Yeah. It's somewhat annoying. I can't wait to meet a guy who doesn't drool all over me and will actually get to know me. It's better than acting pathetic and staring at my looks, rather than learning who I am." I reply.

"Yeah. We all wish for that perfect person in our lives." He sighed, looking up at the ceiling.


He looked back at my book, a blush faintly on his cheeks. Aw... that's adorable! He blushes at the thought of the girl of his dreams.

A smile spreads across my face, making me think about all of the good memories and possibilites. Life is good, but when you meet your soul mate, it is magnificent.

I have always yearned that feeling. To feel whole, complete, one. I have heard so much and it just seems like the best thing. Instead of people dreaming of being with me because i look good, I want to be with someone because they like me for who I am. Can't any girl ask for that?

                                                                        *() ~<69>~ ()*

We all sat down at lunch, chatting away about things that happened today. Riley claimed she saw a girl cheating off some dude's answers. Sam said he narrowly avoided a fight that was happening right next to him. Bella gossiped about Brittany's dumb move on some guy.

"I met a new friend today." I exclaimed. "His name is Gary. Here he comes now!"

Gary was walking by our table but his head turned, his mint green eyes meeting my emerald ones. He smiled and walked over to our table.

"Hey Gary! These are some people I would like you to meet. This is Ella, Riley, Bella, Sylvia, Sam, Henry, Jacob, Angelica, JP, Bret, and Arvy. Guys, this is Gary." I introduced everyone.

They all smiled and waved at Gary, some waving and some nodding. I smiled at my friends and knew instantely that they were going to love him.

This is going to be a REALLY fun year!

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HEY EVERYONE! Sorry for the long wait! I can't believe it.... 790 reads!!! (screams) YOU GUYS ARE ALL AMAZING! <3 you all! Your fabulous my lovelies! <3 The Elegance Dance is coming up... who will ask who? What will happen? READ MORE TO FIND OUT ON THE NEXT WWAU EPISODE! :D <- LOL

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