Chapter 26

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“I need you,” I said when Lucas picked up the phone.

“I like the sound of that,” he chuckled. “Where are you?”

“Almost home. Meet me there please?” I asked as I began walking again.

“Certainly, see you soon!” Lucas said.

I hung up the phone and ran up the stairs. I walked into my flat and realised that I needed a shower desperately to wash away what had just happened. I sent Lucas a text. ‘The door will be unlocked so just head on up’

I quickly stripped of the pyjamas that I had been wearing all day and climbed into the shower.

I closed my eyes and let the hot water run over my body. I let the soap and the scent of my body wash de-stress me.

I was lost in my own little bubble when, “Things just keep getting kinkier and kinkier.”

“Lucas!” I screamed, my peace-bubble popping.

 “This is not what I was expecting, but trust me I’m not complaining.”

“This isn’t what it seems like,” I said, praying that he wasn’t going to open the door to my shower.

“You sure about that Rae? I mean, you call me saying you need me, you tell me you’re keeping the door unlocked, and I get here to find you waiting for me in the shower? Seems pretty clear to me.”

I laughed, my heart still pounding from the shock. “Okay, so maybe I left the door unlocked for you because I knew I was going to be in the shower. But it wasn’t an invite you into the shower with me sort of thing!”

“You sure about that?” he asked again.

“Yes, trust me, I’m not trying to cross any lines right now,” I said.

“Well I am!” Lucas said. “But if you didn’t need me for sexual favours, what did you need me for?” he asked.

“What do I always need you for Lu? Your impeccable sense of humour and distraction. I don’t want to deal with feelings right now. I want to deal with everything else.”

“I mean, there is an excellent way to distract you that I think you would enjoy…” Lucas said cheekily.

“Lu, don’t even,” I said.

“Whoa there Rae, get your mind out of the gutter… I was going to say let’s go paint ballooning.”

I laughed. “Guess it doesn’t matter how clean I make myself then,” I said, sticking my head back under the stream of water, then shutting it off. I opened the shower curtain a crack. “Will you hand me a towel?” I asked.

“Nope, I can’t do that,” Lucas said.

“Why not?” I asked.

“Because, I just threw them all out the window,” he said.

 I stuck my head out of the shower. “Tell me you didn’t.”

A grin lit his whole face. “I cannot tell you that.”

“I’m going to kill you,” I said.

“How? You’re completely naked. I thought I wasn’t allowed to see that.”

“I may let you, it can be your last happy thought before I slaughter you!” I exclaimed laughing.

“A happy death; that’s all I’ve ever wanted,” Lucas grinned.

“But really Lu, you didn’t do that did you?” I asked.

“Sorry, it was my reaction to walking in here and finding you were in the shower. I didn’t think, it just happened.”

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