Chapter 46

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Two days later, my alarm woke me up a after only a few hours of rocky sleep; our flight was pretty early. Declan wanted to get home now that he had someone to go with him. 

I hopped in the shower and that helped wake me up, but not as much as the coffee that my mum had waiting for me when I got out. I changed into leggings, a long loose sweater and a scarf. I let my hair hang down, and I slipped into comfortable shoes. My bags were packed and by the door, and I was ready to go. 

Declan sent me a text saying the car was going to be there in a few minutes to bring us to the airport.

My mum wrapped me in a hug. “Have fun, baby,” she said, tears in her eyes.

I rolled mine at her. “Mum, why are you crying? I’m going for only a few days, no need to be upset.”

“It’s just different to see you going off on your own! You’re growing up!”

I laughed. “Mum, you’re being ridiculous.”

“One day, when you have children, you will understand!” she said.

I giggled as I hugged her tight, then hugged Heather as well. “I can’t believe you get to go home with Declan Moore! That’s not even fair! You get to see where he lives! And meet his family and I’m so jealous!” she exclaimed. “You’re the luckiest girl in the world.”

I gave Heather a kiss on the top of her head. “I’ll miss you! We’ll talk every day,” I said.

“Good, I want to know as much about Declan’s world as possible.”

“I thought you wanted to marry Calix?” I asked.

“I do. But I could marry Declan. He’s perfect too.”

I laughed as I picked up my bags. 

“Have a safe trip honey!” My mom said.

“I will.”

“And let us know when you’ve landed! We want to know that you are safe.” 

I nodded. “I will. I love you.”

“Love you too,” my mum replied.

“I LOVE YOU!” Heather exclaimed.

I smiled at her. “I’ll be sure to take a lot of pictures for you. Love you.”

I opened the door and stepped outside into the cold. Even wrapped in my coat, hat, gloves, and scarf, I was still chilly. I was happy the car was waiting, I was ready to be on my way.

In no time, we were in the terminal, waiting for the flight to board. 

Declan and I were sitting together and I was trying not to think about how in just a short amount of time, I would be on the plane.

“Rae?” He said softly, getting that look in his eye that I had come to associate with his desire to ask a question he thought could be crossing a line. 

“Yes?” I asked, having learnt that I have to push the question out of him.

“Can I ask you something?”

I leaned against him, bopping him with my shoulder. “You need to stop asking me that. You know the answer to that is yes. So just spit it out.”

“Why were you so up for the idea to come with me? Don’t get me wrong, I’m relieved that you are here. But it was a strange request for me to make after only a few months of being friends and for not just you but your mother to be completely okay, in fact pushing for it...Well it can’t just be because we’re friends.”

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