Chapter 70

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We had the windows down in the backseat, cooler night air blowing in feeling wonderful on my sweaty skin. My dress was sticking to me a bit, but I didn’t mind. I slumped back into the seat, leaning against Leo who’s skin felt hot on mine, but I didn’t mind that either. 

Now that I had stopped moving, I felt the burn in my legs from dancing and the spinning in my head. Not in a nauseating way but in that perfect balance of drunk where you feel invincible and happy and like nothing could bring you down. I looked around at the five exhausted boys in the car with me. “I love you guys.” I grinned at all of them.

They all turned their attention to me and smiled. “And we love you.” Leo said, tilting my head and kissing the side of it.

I looked out the window at the passing buildings as we drove along and one caught my eye. We drove right along the Empire State Building and I stuck my head out the window, looking at it all the way up. As we passed I followed it, as I turned my head to look across the car I saw that Wes was watching me watch the building. I gave him a small smile that he didn’t quite return before he looked out the window at the skyscraper we were leaving behind.

Back at the hotel we all hurried inside, ducking our heads to avoid pictures being taken and piled into the elevator. It was a relief that it was this simple to get inside compared to the process it had been made at the start of my stay.

Calix pressed the button for our separate floors and we rode it silently up. As the doors slide open I turned to smile and give one quick wave. “Well, I’ll see you lads tomorrow.” I said, stepping out.

“Here, let me walk you.” Wes volunteered, following me onto the floor.

“I’m right down the hall, I think I can manage.” I replied as the doors began to slide closed.

“Humour me.” 

So I let him walk along with me to my room in silence. It was such a drastic change from the night before between the two of us and I knew that was not just apparent to me. I pulled my key from my small clutch purse and stuck it in the lock, opening the door.

“Thank you,” I said a bit awkwardly. “And goodnight.” I froze there, not sure if I should hug him or kiss his cheek or just go inside to bed. 

“Why were you avoiding me all night?” he asked bluntly as I stood there fumbling with what to do. 

“I wasn’t avoi-”

“Hush you know you were.” He said, walking into the room. “I could tell in the way you kept glancing at me, always keeping tabs of where I was and what I was doing. If I got too close, suddenly you and Lucas were running to the bar for another drink. Or you and Declan were having too much fun dancing. Or you and Calix were in the middle of a deathly important conversation.”

He stared at me, eyes greener than normal as he waited for an explanation that I didn’t have. Perhaps it was the hour, or perhaps it was the alcohol, but I was exhausted.

“You didn’t mention Leo.” I said, kicking off my shoes. “You’re just overreacting.”

“How can I be overreacting? After what happened last night...” He shook his head. “I thought New York City was our thing, our world.”

“Leo is the one who brought me out here. It was his idea for me to come see all of you. It’s our world here. All of us.”

Wes sighed and shook his head. “I don’t like sharing it with all of them.”

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