Chapter 49

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The boys came back one by one, and finally, on New Year’s Eve, everyone had returned to London. I had introduced Michelle to Whitney and Heather; the four of us working hard to plan a massive celebration.

The new year was going to be the start of everything for the boys, so we knew we had to start it off with a bang. 

That morning we went out and got a massive amount of party supplies. We had decorations like you wouldn’t believe, noisemakers, party hats, candy, costume wear, everything needed for a New Year’s Celebration. 

We showed up around 4 with our arms full; Wes stared wide eyed as we opened the door. “Oh my,” he said as the four of us stomped in.

“We’re overachievers,” Whitney shrugged.

“This place is going to look fabulous,” Michelle said as she set her bags down.

“Alright, I’ll leave you to your work,” Wes said, grabbing his coat and heading out, leaving us.

We immediately began decorating every square inch of the flat.

A few hours later, we looked around satisfied. “Now that we’ve made the flat fabulous, it’s time to go perfect ourselves!” Whitney exclaimed. We grabbed our remaining supplies and stored it in one of the closets.

‘DO NOT, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, ruin our decorations,’ I texted to Wes as we left the flat and locked the door.

The four of us went back to my house and began to get ready. It felt like I was back getting ready to go to one of the boys shows on Generation X; the whole time my mind couldn’t stop reminiscing. 

Michelle had a dark blue dress with cutouts on the side.“It’s not too cold for this, is it?” She asked, holding it up.

“No!” Whitney exclaimed. “I love it. And Leo will to.”

“It’s New Year’s Eve, GO for it!” I said.

Michelle laughed, “You sure it isn’t too much?”

Whitney shook her head. “Just wait until you see the dress I’m going to get Rae in.”

I gulped and turned to see the dress that Whitney was holding up. It was silver sparkly thread, and it looked VERY fitted going down. My eyes widened. “I can’t wear that.” 

“YES! You can. It is New Year’s! You are going to show your body off, and you are going to like it!” 

“Just try it on,” Michelle pleaded.

I crinkled my nose but gave in without much persuasion. In truth I thought the dress was perfect, if not a little revealing. I stepped into the dress and pulled it up. Forget how tight it was, it exposed my entire chest! “No,” I said, shaking my head.

“Bring those puppies out to play!” Whitney exclaimed, coming over and attempting to fix the front of the dress to show off as much cleavage as possible.

I shook my head viciously. 

“But Rae, it looks fabulous,” Heather said.

“Yeah,” Michelle nodded. “You have to. We won’t let you take it off.”

Whitney stepped aside and I looked at myself in the mirror, making a face.

“I’m going to have some stomach exposed.” Michelle grinned. “It’s a semi-topless night.” 

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