Chapter 43

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The next morning I woke up and my first thought was “Thank god it’s Friday.”

School went by even slower than the day before, because in most of my classes I had tests. And of course, even if you finished the test early, you still had to sit there silently until everyone else was done. It was torture.

Finally, the day was over and I was able to escape the school for winter holiday. I was relieved.

I called Leo. “We’re still on for our date tonight right?” I asked.

“The four of us, yep.”

“Is Wes going to feel left out?” I asked.

“Nah he left this morning, maybe we should invite Calix along, it would be weird if we just left him out,” Leo said.

“No need to worry about that, he actually left last night!” I replied. “So it’s just the four of us!”

“Sounds great.”

“Leo, I’m not going to have to actually pretend I’m on a date with Declan will I? Michelle knows our relationship isn’t like that right?”

“Yeah she knows,” Leo said. “It’s just going to be the group of us hanging out.”

“So, what do I wear to this?” I asked.

“Jeans, cute shirt. You don’t need to get too dressed up or anything. It’s just dinner.”

“Alright.” I said. “I’m going to go home and shower and change and stuff, then I’m going to head over. We haven’t just hung out in a while.”

“What about yesterday?” Leo asked.

“Pshhh that doesn’t count, I was having an episode or something. I just want to spend time with my best friend. I miss you.”

Leo chuckled. “I miss you too Rae.”

When I got out of the shower at home, Heather was out of school. “Perfect!” I exclaimed when I saw her in the kitchen. “I need you to pick out an outfit for me!”

“What for?” she asked, getting up.

“I’m going out tonight with Leo, his new girl Michelle, and Declan.”

“You’re dating Declan now?” Heather asked.

“Oh perfect! The Irish one is my favourite, he’s too precious,” my mum shouted her opinion down the hall.

I shook my head. “Not on a date. Just as a group.”

“Yeah but Leo is on a date, so really, you and Declan are on a date,” my Mum joined us in the room.

I shook my head.

“Jeez Rae, if you weren’t my sister, I would hate you so much. You’re dating Lucas, have sleepovers with both Wes and Calix, and now going out on a dinner date with Declan. You lucky, lucky girl.”

“You guys are going to drive me over a cliff. It’s not like that. Didn’t you all think Leo liked me? Well you’re wrong, he’s with someone. So HA.” I turned and walked out of the room, and Heather followed me.

“So really, if you don’t like any of them, can I have one of them?” she asked.

I laughed. “Who would you like.” 

“Calix,” she said immediately.

“YES! TAKE HIM! HE’S ALL YOURS!” I said, a little too enthusiastically. 

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