Chapter 45

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When the movie finished, Michelle got up to go home. We all protested and walked with her towards the door; I glanced out the window as she did up the buttons of her coat.“Um, I’m not sure you’re going to want to leave…” I pointed.

The other three turned to look at the blizzard that was happening outside.

“Oh,” Michelle said, staring.

“Yeah, I’m not letting you leave in this, it’s not safe,” Leo replied..

“But I can’t stay…” Michelle said, flushing.

“Sure you can!” Declan exclaimed. “There’s no way I’m going to leave, or allow Rae to. We won’t let you go either.”

“Please, it’s nasty out. We want you safe,” I said.

Michelle looked at the three of us, indecision written on her face. I nodded to her, telling her to stay, that it was okay. And she nodded. “Alright. I’ll stay.” 

We all cheered and went back into the living room. Leo disappeared and came back with extra pillows and blankets. 

I grabbed one and wrapped myself up. Declan grabbed me and pulled me on his lap so we were sharing the blanket.

Leo turned on another movie, and soon I was asleep.

I woke up the next morning lying on the couch with Declan. I looked around the room and realised that Leo and Michelle were nowhere to be found.

I debated about getting up, but when my foot escaped the blanket, I realised it was freezing out of the covers. I quickly covered it back up and snuggled back into Declan’s warmth. I closed my eyes as I inhaled his sweet smell of peppermint.

A stirring next to me jostled me awake, and I felt someone wrapping their arms around me. “Good morning sleepyhead,” Declan whispered, gazing down at me.

I smiled. “Good morning.”

“Did you sleep alright?”

I nodded. “You’re very comfortable. I like it.”

He smiled. “Do you know where the other two went off to?”

“Leo’s room?” I suggested, giving him a look. 

“Do we sneak out?” Declan asked.

I shook my head. “That might make everyone feel awkward. How do we even know that anything happened? I don’t think Leo would, not with us here.”

“Yeah but, look at her,” Declan said.

“Is it bad that I want to spy?” I asked.

Declan grinned and shook his head. “No, because I do too!”

We both climbed quietly off the couch, careful to not make the ground creak as we stepped on it.

Declan and I grinned at each other and crept over to Leo’s room. The bedroom door was ajar. Declan slowly pushed it open… the bed was empty.

“What?!” Declan exclaimed.

I walked over to the bed, there was a note on the pillow.

‘Obviously, Michelle and I are not here. Thanks for checking you creeps :) We went out to breakfast, we didn’t want to wake you two looking so adorable snuggling on the couch. Give me a call when you see this, and maybe you can come join. xx Leo’

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