Chapter 21

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I didn’t realise how much had happened in my life until I tried to recap it all for Whitney. When we woke up the following morning we were both in desperate need of coffee because we had stayed up so late talking, analysing and dissecting the events of my life.

As she had promised, Heather came in to help me pick out an outfit. Heather and Whitney both demanded that I put my hair back up in my high ponytail from yesterday. I obliged, and Heather sent another picture to the boys, who all approved my outfit.

Ten minutes later, there was a car beeping outside my house. I pulled the curtain aside to see Lucas and Leo waiting outside in the car.

“Whitney, apparently we have a ride to school!” I said, grabbing my bag off the floor where I had dropped it the night before.

Whitney came hurrying out of my room, searching for her shoes. 

“Don’t ditch halfway through today!” My mom called down the stairs. “I can only explain to your headmaster so many times before you get in trouble!”

“I won’t! Bye Mum, love you!” I yelled as I closed the door behind Whitney and myself.

“Good morning ladies!” Lucas said from the car window.

“The surprise ride is nice!” Whitney said, climbing into the backseat next to Leo.

“We figured you made such an epic exit yesterday, you need to make a grand entrance today as well!” Leo said. 

“I like the sound of that,” I said smiling at him.

“How was your night?” he asked.

“Who cares about our night, how was your rehearsal!?” I asked, turning sideways in my seat to see the two boys.

“It went pretty well actually!” Lucas said.

“We need some practice, but it’s going to be great!”

“What are you singing?” I asked grinning.

“Oh love, we can’t tell you that!” 

I made a face. “But I know your secrets! That’s what you do, you tell me!” I smiled in what I hoped was a convincing way.

Leo and Lucas looked at each other in the rear-view mirror, deciding.

“How about a hint?” Whitney suggested.

“Like, who sings it originally?” I asked.

“A British band,” Lucas smirked. 

“Ugh that doesn’t help!” Whitney exclaimed dramatically, “There are a lot of options!”

Whitney and I began listing off all the names we could think of, trying to get a reaction as we pulled into the school parking lot but got nothing.

Lucas parked the car and I went to open my door. “NO!” he screamed, leaping out of his door and running around to my side. “Silly Rae, your boyfriend is supposed to do that.” He grinned at me through the window.

I saw Whitney’s eyes perk up when Lucas said “boyfriend”. I got out of the car and Lucas closed the door. He put his hands on my hips lightly causing my heartbeat to quicken.

“Now Rae, I know you said no more snogging,” he said as he gently leaned me against the car. “But would it really be so awful to give me just one kiss, just so everyone here isn’t able to think it was all an elaborate ruse?”

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