His Favorite Thing About You

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Liam: Liam has always been one of those people that find joy in the simplest of things and your eyes are one of them. He thought that they had such a beautiful color that he would find himself just gazing into them while you were talking or even when someone else was talking to him. Even though you had been together for a long time, you would still blush every time he did this and he would just smirk. He especially loved to gaze into them when you were reading because he felt that he could see all of your thoughts splayed out across the beautiful surface. You knew that it wasn't true and that those kinds of things would never happened but he found it special so you would continue reading as he just lovingly (but also a bit creepily) stared at you from across the room or from right next to you.

Harry: Anyone that has looked at Harry, has known that besides his hair and eyes, his sweet smile and dimples are another one of his magnificent attributes. Although in Harry's mind, he thought that if anyone had the best smile, it was you and not him. Every time he looked at your smile, he fell in love with you all over again and you sure did smile a lot. Harry knew when you were genuinely smiling or when you were faking a smile because he loved your smile so much. No one else could tell, but he saw a difference and he wanted that genuine smile to come back so that he could brag about how beautiful you were. He felt so special when you smiled that smile around him because it made him feel that he made that smile come out.

Louis: Being the cheeky man he is, his favorite part about you is your chest. He has no doubts about that. Sometimes he will find himself just staring at it. He thinks that is a fine things to do and it definitely makes him happy but when you thunk his head and tell him to focus then his whole face breaks into a blush. He keeps at it though although when he sees that other boys are staring along with him, he herds you out of their line of vision because that is the best part of your body that he absolutely will not share.

Zayn: His favorite part about you is your hair. Everyone knows that Zayn spends more time on his hair than anyone else but what he loves about you, is that you are one of those girls that have naturally beautiful hair even if you don't think so. You straighten and curl it all the time to "make it look better" but he thinks it looks perfect immediately when you get out of the water and when you get up from bed. There have been a few time where he tells himself that he needs to ask you how you do it so effortlessly. Even he knows that he won't give up the time on his hair though.

Niall: Niall had a weird obsession with your butt for some reason. It wasn't very big so you had always wondered what was so fascinating about it but he absolutely adored it. Anywhere you went, he would try to sneak a feel of it so that he could last another five minutes without going insane. You tried to get him to stop but he just ignored you and kept feeling you up. It made you laugh most of the time though because you knew that he would go insane if he didn't feel it. The only time you have ever been embarrassed and yelled at him to stop was when you were at the altar and getting married. You had both been faced away from the crowd so now everyone was looking at your backs. You were surprised that he had gone such a long time not feeling you but you were ripped from your thoughts when you felt his hand on your butt. You gasped and then heard everyone break out into laughter. You were embarrassed but then you realized that you loved him too much to care

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