He Acts Like He Hates You

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Harry: You met the boys because of Eleanor, you are her friend from college. All the boys were really cute and polite towards you, except for Harry. You though he would be really polite and caring because you saw the prank that Louis an Zayn did about the pregnant woman. Two month later Eleanor invited you to go to a dinner first you said it was a bad Idea since you knew Harry hated you, but she begged so much that you had to accept! During the dinner Harry didn't looked at you, and avoided talking to you. When you were living the restaurant, a really strong hand pushed you, and really soft lips met yours. After that passionate kiss that made you feel dizzy. You looked and saw Harry. what an amazing start of a relationship!

Louis: You were a dancer and worked with Danielle. You were always known as the funniest girl of the group. She bought Liam a present but didn't wanted to go alone so she called you and Louis. You didn't wanted to go because you knew he hates you! But you went anyway. You and Louis argued about every thing Dani wanted to buy. She was so angry that she yelled: Can you please stop?! I'm going home and I don't want your help!. You and Louis were speechless, after she left you started apologizing and he cut you of by a kiss. And said: You know I was just a little jealous of you sass and how funny jokes you could make.

Liam: You were really good friends with Niall, so he invited you to go to an amusement park with him and the boys. You knew Liam didn't liked you but you didn't want to make Niall sad so you accepted to go. The boys went to all of the attractions of the amusement park except for the Ferris wheel, You where really scared to go there because you are scared of heights, but Niall begged and you accept again really regreting later because you and Liam ended up together and alone! on the top of the Ferris wheel!!! He haven't talked to you the whole dayn and didn't even make eye contact and once. Suddenly he said blushing: Why are you so pretty and cute?. You looked at him and said; WHAT? I THOUGHT YOU HATED ME? He answered leaning down for a kiss; How could I possibly hate you?.

Niall: You knew Niall before he went to the Xfactor and he hated you. You moved to London because of college. You were living alone and decided to go to a store to buy some food and maybe some sweets. When you where in the store you suddenly saw Niall staring at you with wide eyes. You knew you changed a lot since highschool but you didn't wanted him to see you. although everyone said you were and are gorgeous, you are still insecure about you appearance. While you we shopping he followed you , pretending he was shopping too. You just ignored him. You went to pay you food and left the store he did the same. outside the store you looked at him and said; Niall it has been a long time but I do know you don't like Tofu. so why you bought it?. He suddenly realized that he was so distracted by your beauty that he bought tofu! so he smiled and said: Forget about tofu! I can't believe that you are here! Maybe we could start over again. You nod.

Zayn: You were in a mall you London. Buying a lot of clothes, but you were getting hungry so you went to buy something. You drinking your White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino went you saw, Zayn the guy that hated you in high school looking at you. You avoided his eye contact but he went to talk to you. You said "hi" and he said "hi. I know I hated you in high school but my life changed a lot so maybe we could be friends? I really need a friend now". You answered; " why me? what could you possibly want from me?" . He looked at you and said" maybe you could answer a question for me? What do you think of me getting a new tattoo?". " I don't know" You said. " I'm thinking of a word to tattoo."." What is it? Mirror?". "no. it is [Y/N]" he answered. another amazing start of a relationship!

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