He Accidentally Insults You (Part 1)

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Niall: You were cooking in the kitchen when Niall snuck up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Hey baby what's cookin' good lookin'" he says to you. "I'm making us spaghetti!" you said, draining the pasta in the sink. "Oooooh my second favorite!" he says and leans over the counter texting his buddies. "Kay Nialler! Spaghetti's finished!" you sang. He smiled and sat at the table and tied a napkin around his neck. He held and fork and knife in each hand as he eagerly waited for your spaghetti. "Here you go babe!" you said and put a big plate in front of him. You sat across him with your plate as he dug into the pasta. He put some in his mouth as you wait for his reaction. He immediately spits it out in his neck-napkin and looks at you. "Holy shit! What the fuck is that? Never in my life have I ate something that ...weird! You can't even cook SPAGHETTI right!" he shouts. You stand up, hurt. You ran up to your room as the tears stream...downnnn yourrrr faaaaace.

Josh: You were on your period. Everything bothered you. So when you bent down to get your dropped phone, Josh farted loudly in your face. He chuckled softly to himself. "DO YOU FIND THAT FUNNY MR. DEVINE WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU THAT'S BASICALLY THE SAME THING AS CALLING ME STUPID. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF I JUST TOOK A DUMP ON YOUR FACE?" and you ran to your room and locked yourself from the fart monster. Jesus. do boys even care anymore. Its sooooo insulting.

Louis: Louis was taking you to the movies to see The Dark Knight Rises in a few minutes but you were still in your sweats. You peeked in your closet and pulled out your new purple jeans. You put them on and put on your favorite bright green sweatshirt. You finished your look with your Uggs. You were only going to the movies, it's not like anyone cares you thought. Your boyfriend walked into the bedroom to put on his TOMS. "I'm ready ba-" "WHAT ARE YOU WEARING OH MY GOD YOU LOOK LIKE THE JOKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" your boyfriend laughs like crazy. Your jaw drops open. "Have fun going to the movies with Catwoman cause the Joker doesn't wanna go with or see you." you shout at him. You push past him and leave the room. "Well she dresses a hell lot better than you!" he says. You heard that, and got into your car. "I was just joking! Harry already took Catwoman!!" he jokes to himself. He looks out the window and sees your car drive away when he finally realized that he lost the one he loves.

Liam: You guys were sitting on the couch watching t.v together. You rested your head on your boyfriend's chest as he put his arm around you, making you feel protected and safe. "Sorry to ruin the mood love! I'm going to get some more water be right back." Liam says, standing up. "Liam! That's the third time tonight you had to go get some water! That's gonna be your last cup!" you say from your spot on the couch. "(Y/N)! I'm thirsty. My kidney's not gonna shut down because of 3 glasses of water!! God! You're so annoying sometimes!" he says angrily. You were shocked, cause your boyfriend never snapped at you like that before. "I'm annoying? I'm annoying for caring about your health Liam?" you shout back at him, tears making your eyesight blurry.

Harry: "I'm home babe!" your boyfriend Harry shouts from the front door. "Hey Haz" you said and gave your boyfriend a quick kiss on his lips. "I got you something!" he says to you. "Really? I thought you were at the movies?" you say giving Harry a confused look. "No, there were way too many starstruck fans watching Ice Age the same time as us. So us lads hung out in the mall for a bit." he says. He pulls out a tight purple bodycon dress out of the bag. You raise your eyebrow at him. "Care to model for me?" Harry says. You grab the dress and go into the bathroom. You finally got it up and left the zipper open for Harry to do. Opening the door, you walk out into your bedroom with the confidence of a model. "Can you do the zipper for me Harry?" you say. "Sure love" and he stands behind you. You feel his strong hands against your skin as he tries to zip up the back. For some reason, he was having a bit of difficulty. "Erm....Ummm.....babe.....maybe I should've gotten you a bigger size?" he says the dreaded 8 words painfully. "Isn't it supposed to be tight?" you ask him nervously. "You look gorgeous babe, but this dress makes you look kinda fluffy!" he says chuckling. You whip around and put your arms across your chest. "Did you just call me FLUFFY???" you shout. "Sweetie that just means there's more of you to love!" And with that, you ran into the bathroom crying.

Zayn: You and Zayn were cuddling on the sofa, while watching a movie. "Do you smell rotten asparagus princess?" your boyfriend asks. "Umm...what exactly does that smell like?" you say and laugh. "No like I'm dead serious. It smells horrible and I've smelt it the minute we were sitting here I just thought you passed gas or something but it still smells" he says to you. "Eww!" and you just pay attention back to the movie. Your boyfriend obviously can't stop thinking about rotten asparagus so he just sniffs around. "Um babe? Why don't you go take a shower or something?" he says softly. You whip your head and face him. "WHY? Do I smell like rotten asparagus?" you glare at him. "No...but I think your...down there...is getting a bit stinky......" he says blushing. "Oh my god. I can't believe my boyfriend just called my vagina smell 'rotten asparagus'." You stormed out of the room and not towards the shower.

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