Girl Almighty

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Harry: He had been in the bedroom for a while now. His phone had rung a little over an hour ago, and he had gone straight there closing the door behind him. This could only mean one thing. She was back. She had been gone nearly three weeks; the dramatic drop in attention must have gotten to her. You sit in the living room, allowing him his space. You desperately wanted to hear her sob story because you know she’s been laying it on thick. You were sure she was apologizing. It always starts with that. She has to make him feel better about himself at the beginning. However, it quickly shifts to her. She will talk herself up. Telling him over and over how much he needs her, how much they have to stay together. She will then bring in the outside world, people like you, but no specific names. She will tell him that what you and everyone else have to say does not matter. As long as he believes that what is coming out of her mouth is the truth, they will make it. She places herself on a pedestal, and sadly Harry is always at her feet, staring up at her from his knees. You hated that he did this to himself. He’s going to go back to her. You know he is. She abandoned him with no warning, yet he will fly back to London to be with her, leaving you here in LA to question every single thought that goes through his mind. You hear the click of the bedroom door and take a deep breath in. This was it. He was going to tell you he was leaving. He sits beside you on the couch, a loud sigh escaping as he runs his hands through his hair in frustration. “That was her?” You inquire. “Yeah, she’s so full of shit.” Oh. That isn’t the statement you were planning on hearing from him. “What did she say?” “The usual. When she found out I was over here with you she said she realized how much we were meant to be together.” “Of course she did,” you respond, feeling it appropriate to comment on the situation now that he had expressed his true opinion of her. “Yeah. She said I need to be over there to work things out with her, and being over here only shows that I’m a coward.” “She called you a coward? She’s the one that ran away in the first place!” You weren’t believing this. Of course she tried to guilt him into coming back. Thank goodness he hadn’t fallen for it this time. “Where are you going?” You ask as he gets back up off of the couch. “I’ve got to go pack.” What? You sit in disbelief. “What? Why?” “I’ve got to go home,” he responds, as if the answer is obvious. “You just got finished saying not two minutes ago that she was full of shit. Why would you go back to that?” You weren’t believing this, and you were tired of keeping quiet about his relationship. “She’s my girlfriend (y/n). I’m going home.” “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” you quickly counter, your voice was louder than it had been in weeks. He doesn’t saying anything in response as he makes his way back through your apartment to gather his things. “After everything she has put you through, you’re going to go back just so she can keep it up? You’re a fucking joke do you know that?!?” You follow him closely. You hadn’t been this frustrated in a while. He wasn’t going to give you a response though. He understood what you were feeling and that you were only speaking out of anger towards him. “You aren’t going to say anything?” You glare at him as you watch him bring his duffle bag from under the bed. You watch as he walks around the room in silence, gathering what was his and preparing to take it back. You observe him with confusion as he begins to remove things from your dresser that he had left with you for months. These were the things, when he visited, he knew he didn’t have to bring because he had them at your place. “What are you doing? Why are you taking those?” When he doesn’t answer it clicks in your head. You walk over to him, hoping the question you are about to ask comes out calm. “She told you that she didn’t want you over here, didn’t she?” His hands pause and your heart drops. You grab ahold of his bag and rip it from the bed, throwing it across the room. “FUCK YOU!” You shout in his face. “Go! If you’re going to let her ruin absolutely every fucking thing in your life then fucking go! Fucking coward.” You storm out of the room, grabbing your keys and leaving the apartment all together. You wanted nothing to do with him.

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