Your Father Doesn't Approve Of Him (1/5)

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"You must be Niall." Your father was abnormally cheery this morning, especially when Niall came to visit your parents with you.
"Yes, sir." Niall replied politely, just like how you had taught him 22 hours ago. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"Pleasure's all mine." Your father replied, pulling out his hand and shaking Niall's hand. "You'd better treat my baby well."
"Yes, I will- Ow!" Niall winced as your dad gave his hand a bone crunching shake.
"Daddy!" You shrieked as you pulled your father away from your boyfriend, before he does any more damage.
"What? That's my happy shake. You don't want to see my angry shake, do you boy?" Your father glared at Niall, who shook his head. "Good."
"Y/N, a word with you." Your father turned to you and walked into the kitchen, with you tagging behind him like a little puppy.
"I don't like this boy." Your father poured himself a glass of water.
"Why? Niall's a great guy, dad." You pouted as your father shook his head, disapproving.
"He's just going to break your heart, sweetie." You shook your head, knowing that this time, your father was wrong.
"You're wrong, dad. I love you but Niall is a great guy. You need to see that. He won't hurt me, I know he won't." Your dad sighed as he nodded his head, knowing that you've already made up your mind to stick with Niall no matter what.

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