Your Father Doesn't Approve Of Him (1/5)

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"So, young man, you're the one who dated Taylor Swift?" Your dad asked, peering at Harry through his spectacles.
Your boyfriend nodded, shifting his gaze to the carpeted floor as you tried to think of something to say to loosen up this tense atmosphere.
"Dad, have you noticed that the orchard is in bloom now?" You asked your father about his prized orchard, the only thing that was precious to him, other than you.
"Of course, sweetie. It's my orchard." The three of you cracked up at your father's wittiness and joking personality.
"Why don't you take a walk with me, Y/N? There are some things I need to tell you." Your dad got up and walked to his peach orchard in the backyard, you were following closely behind, leaving Harry to do his own things for a while.
"Yes, father? What do you want to tell me?" You were in a cheery mood as you watched the blossoming flowers float down from the trees, it almost felt like it was snowing.
"Leave him, Y/N. He's not the one for you."
"What? Dad, are you serious? I thought you liked Harry." You were upset that your own father was being such a hypocrite, you hated people like that.
"He's a rebel, darling. I thought you hated rebels."
"I love Harry, dad, whether he's a rebel or not. I don't know what's up with you, you've always told me that Harry was the one and that you knew that he would take care of me." You gave your father a pleading look as he thought about his opinions of your boyfriend.
"Alright, alright. As long as you're happy, I'll like the boy." Your father raised both of his hands in a surrendering position as you laughed and hugged him.

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