I don't reply this time, I clench my fingers together. She watches me, I can't understand why I'm here, she tilts her head at me and sighs.

"You want to know why she sent you here I'm guessing," I give a small nod, "My guess is she wants me to help you."

"Help me with what?" I whisper.

"Help you to understand who you are, I've actually been watching over you for quite some time and what I've seen is, you've lost who you are. But you've never truly been the real you. Something's wrong inside you."

Tears drip from my eyes but other than that I don't really react, "I know that. You think I don't. I don't feel anything, I'm not acting like myself, I'm just doing what everyone wants from me, sometimes it doesn't even make sense. I'm breaking apart and no one fucking sees it. I don't know who I am, so how can you fix me. When I've always been broken!" I snap at her.

She stares at me, "You have a block in your mind." I jerk back her voice is cold, "You're the smallest part of Alex, you're the part of her that wants to please others. You're easily influenced, you don't trust anyone. You're like a shell, with the real Alex trapped inside. When you were young, eight or so you were involved in a car accident, your cousin pushed you out of the way so you would avoid any serious injury. But a piece of shrapnel was lodged into the side of your neck at the back."

I unconsciously move my hand to feel the right side of my neck, the tiniest groove is there, a deep scar I never noticed.

"You don't know this but that point is the weak spot for a witch, for humans, it's their temple, vampires it's behind the ear. So with everything that's happened to you, your powers being suppressed, your Mother altering your memories, the accident, etc, it has all added up to pressure being pressed into your mind. So in order to protect yourself, you built a wall in your mind and retreated into there and pushed out a small piece of yourself out so that people wouldn't notice. The things you do, watching anime, reading books, playing games, being friends with Lilith, those are things that you would've done regardless of what happened to you, same as being turned, your destiny lies with that pack.

"But this is no longer cruel just to you but to them as well, now that threats are rising everywhere and things are changing within you. You can't remain the way you are. If the vampires or even the Council were to get their hands on you well then just a few words and you would do whatever they say."

"So then how can you fix me?" I look at her through my lashes.

"The first step is to remove the little bit of metal that still remains in your neck. After that, we have work ahead of us. I'll tell you now it's not going to be fun, but I want my granddaughter back. Because you're more like a shadow than a person."

She gets up and leaves to go somewhere, I remain sitting on the couch. I can't argue or really say anything, at the moment, I need to go along with it and hope something comes through. She comes back and gets me to lay on my stomach while she puts a gel on my neck and it goes numb. She sits on a chair beside me and her face remains blank.

"So what is removing the metal going to do?" I ask, no longer able to stand the silence.

"Well as I said before, this is the weak spot for us so it should break most of the block. I'm not sure what parts it'll bring out but it'll be better than what you have at the moment," She replies.

I fall silent and hold still while she does whatever she's doing. I can't see or feel what she's doing but it takes a few minutes, at one point she starts to hum but she remains focused. I know the instant that she finds the piece, my body jerks and I start to panic, she places a hand on the back of my head to hold me still but my body keeps jerking and I try to move away but she's stronger than she looks, especially for a ghost.

Bitten WitchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora