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The outfit is the third one in the picture. Blue is on the white parts and black on the red.Now back to le story.

"TENSHI-CHAAAAAAN I DEDICATE THIS VICTORY TO YOU MY LOVEEEE!!!!! NOW PLEASE MARRY ME!!!" yelled the excited ball of energy. Confused? Even though it's troublesome let's recap......

Rewind brought to you by Asta's yelling
"Stop playing games, We would like to go the third floor" said Sasuke in a cool manner. " While your at it take down that jutsu I could tell from a mile away. Of course Sakura you must've noticed first." Sakura who was making sure that the dazed Tenshi was alright and still a little disheartened, jumped to attention "...... Sasuke...."then she got out of her stupor and gained her confidence back " Yes it was obvious we noticed from a mile away!!!" Tenshi then decided to bring herself into the conversation finally " Yeah senpais we would appreciate if you would allow us to go take our exams." After she spoke there was a pink background with flowers which made them blush. Naruto stood confused 'Why is everyone acting like a cute background appearing behind Tenshi is normal? But since I don't wanna look like I'm as big an idiot as Sasuke I'll keep my mouth shut about it!!! T^T' "Yeah it super obvious!!!! Believe it!!"said the adorable idiot. The guard tried attacking the group and Sasuke jumped to defend them (*cough Tenshi *cough man I have a terrible cold)
Then a boy with eyebrows so fierce instagram models would be jealous stopped them both. His team scolded him "Lee it was your idea to lay low!!!"
Instagram brows now dubbed Lee said " I know but...." as he trailed off he looked at Tenshi. " Excuse me but what is your name" Sasuke catching vibes said "It's rude to ask for one's name without introducing yourself." Tenshi stepped up and said "*yawn* Sasuke it's fine... My name is Tenshi...... nice to meet you." "My name is Rock Lee please marry me!!! I will protect you with my life!!!" *Cue wink and teeth shine* "No." Came Tenshi's blunt reply which made everyone cringe at the painfully quick reply " Don't think I will fall for your pretty words and eyebrows so easily even though it almost got me. Also I want to wait until I'm older until I get married. I will like to get know you to even consider all that. Better luck next time!!!!" She ended it with a sweet smile that made his heart skip a beat. While that was happening everyone thought '...Nani??...' everyone was shooketh that Tenshi almost fell for him.Then it became a blur which ended with Sasuke's arrogant butt kicked by the young eyebrows sunshine.

Ok back to the present

"Lee we've been over this I won't marry you especially at our age *sigh* how troublesome" Tenshi replied as she walked away with here team coolly.

Author's Note

Hey Chibi-chans!!!Sorry for the long update, I've going through alot of things that hindered my writing like psats, depression, and that fact I'm moving from my childhood home and school. I sincerely mean it when I say you guys make my day with every comment, vote, and reading list it's added to. I'm finally starting to get my groove to edit and update. There maybe even new fanfics for other animes. I want help other writers without anything at all given back but a comment on a theory, critique, or even just something overall on the book (including ships)even fanart. If you do this, every week I will post on my story your stories to support you. I don't need a shout out back and you could even just dm your thoughts in private. I look forward to further getting to know you all!!! Lots of love!!!
Author-sempai ❤❤❤❤❤

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