Operation Protect Drunkard

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Woohoo!! 600 reads? Thank you for all your support!!! I think I might add 2 or 3 chapters this week as celebration!! Onwards to the chapter!

" Okay everyone ready?"
Said Bakashi-sensei, after confirming our positions.
"Hai" said everyone.
" Okay on the count of three capture the target.1.....2......3!" Fast forward to now
A poor cat is being smothered by it's owner, while Naruto has scratches on his face because of the cat. Naruto was being lectured on ranked missions but in reality no one was listening. " So I had miso ramen last night what should I eat tonight?" " Come over to my place Naru-chan! I can make you some pork ramen." Everyone was paying more attention to me and Naru then Gramps. When Grandpa finally noticed he got angry and yelled at us some more. I just laughed it off because he can never stay mad at me. After a while of zoning out I heard " These brats are supposed to protect me?! What can they do especially the short guy with a stupid look on his face!" Naruto laughed while asking" Who is the short one with a stupid look on his face?" We all lined up with Sasuke being the tallest, then Sakura, next Naruto, then me. Naruto started to laugh but he forgot one crucial thing. Sasuke pointed it out " Dobe, he said guy not girl and Tenshi is definitely a girl." Naru-chan got mad and I started to laugh. " Thanks Ke-chan" and he responded with a "Tch" and a blush. I think he has a fever, so I better pack some medicine for later. When we left I walked back home with a smile on my face, looking for to the adventure ahead. If only I knew that in a couple hours my life would get more complicated.
Third Person
"We make ourselves known to her tonight. This will be one of the sparks to starting the war." Said a hidden figure who seemed to be the leader of the group. The others, started to smile and said "Hai!" While looking at a file that had a name on it. The name was Tenshi Sarutobi.

Hello chibis! Some of you may be thinking 'I'm not short..... I'm fun sized!' or ' I'm (insert tall height here) but guess what? IT DOESN'T MATTER!!! Since this is my story I now control your height! Mwahahah! Now to less serious matters( quite the opposite actually), like said earlier there is going to be way more updates to the story this week. This is my 600 reads celebration!

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