Saving Them (Edit)

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The ninja then went down and started to speak " Oh so you can sense my chakra? Very impressive but it also means that you are a threat!" and got into defensive position. "Woah......Whoa.....Wow..... didn't just hear me say that I just wanted to talk to you? And I didn't even kill Mr.Cowman when I had the chance!" He calmed down and introduced himself.

Time skip because I have the laziness of Shikamaru

"......So let me get this straight you will pay us more then Gato and you want us to join the hidden leaf so we can get a second chance?" Mr.Cowman said dumbfounded. I nodded my head yes. "And you think we shouldn't trust Gato?" "Hai!" " I'm sorry but where is your proof that he is untrustworthy?" "Oh....... that" as pointed out to the left where Gato brought people to kill Zabuza. "If you say yes I'll take them down for you." With a blank look he replied "......sure I guess you are pretty trustworthy so knock yourself out." And in ten seconds I had half of them down, the other the half was for the villagers who came in our defense. As we left the village Naruto and Inari had a low key 'manly' bromance moment. But the moment was short lived when Inari said that I will be his girlfriend in the future so everyone was glaring at him. Unknown to me everyone had these thoughts 'Tch, like Tenshi would go for a snot-nosed brat like you' 'My dear student is attracting to much attention' 'Tenshi will be my girlfriend! Believe it!' 'Cha! The one person Tenshi is perfect for is Sasuke-kun!' 'I just met her but she already is a special person so I don't like brats that tries to take her away from me' ' That brat attracts more attention then I thought' while I was thinking ' Dangos or ramen? Hmmmmmm...... decisions decisions.'
So you could imagine my confusion on why everyone had dark aura around them on our way back home.

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