The Mysterious Red Clouds

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Her performance looked like the video above.

If you haven't noticed, I am a very absent minded person. So when we left the village I started to stare at the clouds and started to imagine what they were shaped like. So when Kakashi-sensei got ripped into shreds, I was totally caught off guard. Sasuke immediately got into action and threw sharikan ( is that how you spell it?) at the two rogues chains. One of the person's chain was caught into a tree and he had a hard time getting out. The other hurriedly ran at me with a punch. I swiftly catch and duck under his arm and straightened my arm to my fingertips. With that arm I hit his pressure point under the arm I caught. Then I put the immobilized arm over my shoulder and flipped hard for there to be a small dent in the ground.He was now unconscious, satisfied with my work, dust my hands and smile. Then Kakashi came and put the two in a headlock. 'Darn Kakashi, coming back from the dead and smiling like you did all the work.' I thought with a irk mark on my forehead. After interrogating Tazuna ( The drunk oji-san) we found out that we were on a A rank mission. So we decided to rest for the night.
Timeskip brought to you by Honey's cuteness.

As everyone was asleep I decided to walk to the river we camped nearby. I wanted to do my water dance. For some reason I have this kekkei genkai that allows me to control elements. So when I made it to the river, I decided to do a water dance. I do it as a good luck ritual and it relaxes me. As I danced I thought about my team and how much I care about them. I don't know what I'll do without Sakura's 180 moods, Naruto's recklessness, Sasuke's emoness, and Kakashi pervyness. I will do anything to protect them all. I danced and sang my heart out.
When I finished there was applause. I looked behind me and there was a group of people in black cloaks with red clouds. "Angel-chan, Your art is a explosion!", said a boy with a high ponytail, then a stoic red head responded with  " Brat, it wasn't a explosion it was eternal!" Then they started to bicker. A pretty blue haired woman said "Oh my gosh! You are gorgeous!" "That was quite the show young woman" said a ginger with multiple piercings. "Pretty lady voice and dance was sugoi!" said a masked man. The rest were hidden I knew because I could sense their chakra. The ginger who is obviously the leader said "We have been keeping our eye on you and I have to say you will make a great addition to the Akatsuki. You may say no now, but we will visit you to get know eachother. See you soon....... (My) goddess." And with that they disappeared. Confused I went back to the campsite and fell asleep. I hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow.

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