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Sometimes I feel like life is against me because someone always has to wake me up. So imagine Kakashi's surprised face when I judo flipped him and forced him to carry me on his back while I slept. "Everyone get down!" Why can't things run smoothly when I am relaxed? What a drag......
Then all of sudden we're fighting Mr. Moomoo and Bakashi is stuck in a bubble of water. I sighed" I guess I have to fight now, don't I?" "Awwww look at that the little doll is trying to save her friends! I'm gonna have fun killing you." All of a sudden my soft tired eyes got sharp and faster than the human eye I ran up to Captain Cow. When I was in front of him, I gave him a good right hook and knocked him down. " Thank goodness I only used 1% of strength or he would've been dead." "WHAT!!!? YOU ONLY USED ONE PERCENT?!!!" "Oh........ Hey minna-san your safe now..... I guess, so let's go eat." I said with a life less stare. "HUH? HOW ARE JUST GOING TO CASUALLY ACT LIKE YOU DIDN'T KNOCK HIGHLY SKILLED ASSASSIN!??" "Man..... if I knew you were going to be so loud I would've let him kill you and then knocked him out." I said with a evil look. " If you don't pipe down I will kill you and act like Zabuza did it." Then they started to shake I fear and simultaneously muttered apologies. Sakura finally decided to ask me a question" Ano, why didn't you kill him?" "I'm a good judge of character and I know that this man isn't as bad as he seems to be. So when he wakes up we will talk to him and his buddy in the trees." Then I put my hand near my mouth and to the tree stalker " YEAH, I KNOW YOUR THERE GET DOWN ALREADY AND STOP BEING A CREEP!" While my so called friends looked at me crazy and dead panned.

Sorry chibi-chans for the long wait. I have been wondering which anime should write a fanfic on. Please tell me in the comments!

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