"Screech!" There was a ton of friction between the bicycle's wheels and the pavement as Karasuno skidded to a stop. I kissed him on the cheek as a thank you and jumped off, rushing to change my shoes and find Akazuki. I did not even drop my bag in class. I just sped to the fourth level girls' toilet. As always it was empty, not a person in sight, but I knew Akazuki was here. "Aka-Chan!" I shouted out loud, signalling her to reveal herself. The lock of one of the cubicle doors went 'click' as it opened. A very flushed Akazuki appearing, her hands covering her neck. "Why are you covering your neck Akazuki?" I asked, reaching out of take her hand away. Slowly she let her arms swing to her sides, revealing a very obvious hickey.

Karasuno's POV
Hana had already jumped off rushing to find Akazuki. Meanwhile, I parked and locked my bicycle tight before heading to Ōkami's class to ask him what had happened.

When I reached his class, he was looking down on his table...sulking? "Hello valiant Ōkami. What did you do to Princess Akazuki now?" I asked in a sarcastic manner. He looked up, the sides of mouth tilted down, brows narrowed down and eyes filled with remorse and regret. "I violated Akazuki's purity..." He mumbled sorrowfully. He violated her...violate, wait...WHAT?! "What!" I exclaimed in shock, my eyes widening. "Neck...hickey." He mumbled once more. No wonder Hana had asked me to rush all the way to school. A pure girl like Akazuki surely must have been traumatised. "Oh Ōkami Ōkami," I said in an exasperated voice. My palm on my face as I shook my head in disbelief. "How could you do something like that?" I asked once more.

Hana's POV
"Did Ōkami do that?!" I asked, stunned at the sight of it. Akazuki kept her mouth shut, only nodding slightly as an answer. My eyes widened, Ōkami said that he wanted to keep her purity. How could he do such an act! "H-how am I going to hide this from mother?" Akazuki suddenly said her voice extremely soft. Her eyes flooded with desperation and looked at me for an answer. I thought for a while and figured a simple solution. I unzipped my bag, taking a plaster out. I brushed Akazuki's hair behind her shoulder, tearing the packet and sticking the plaster over the hickey. Then I shifted her hair again, trying my best to cover the plaster.

Karasuno's POV
He looked up at me, still filled with regret yet a spark of satisfaction. "I wanted to mark her. Then everyone would  know she's mine. And no one would touch her." He mumbled once more. I pat him softly on the head, "Only after she agrees. That's my advice." Then I walked out back to my class.

Hana's POV
"Done." I said. Akazuki reached her hand out again and touched the plaster under the layers of her hair. "Arigato(thank you)Hana-Chan." She said, smiling at me. "That's what friends are for. It's nearly time for class, tell me everything during lunch." I replied. She nodded and we made our way back down to where our first-year classes were.

Akazuki's POV
When I reached back to class, Ōkami was sitting in his seat. Head on the table once more. The difference between this scene and the one before was the amount of people in class. Since class was about to start soon the entire classroom became packed like sardines. Unlike the morning when it was only Ōkami and I. I shuffled hesitantly towards my seat and sat down. Taking out a book to occupy myself. Even though Ōkami was sort of sleeping, I could definitely feel the awkward tension between us. Though this has happened before, it was different. As I had feelings for Ōkami but I am not too sure if he does for me. He definitely did weird things to me, but it could just be his way of showing the depth of our friendship. "Haiz." I sighed. I was probably thinking too much about it. Then I buried myself back into the world of the novel I was reading.

Soon enough Sensei(teacher) entered class for homeroom. I kept my book almost immediately but Ōkami was still sleeping. Despite the tension between us, I attempted to wake him up. Putting a hand on his shoulder I shook him slightly. "Wakey wakey sleepy head." I said softly. "Mhmph." He groaned in refusal his hand trying to get mine off his shoulder. Sensei(teacher) had spotted the sleeping Ōkami and started walking towards us. I put both hands on him this time, shaking him even harder. "Wake up! Sensei is coming this way." I hissed. Out of nowhere he jumped up from his seat, giving a proud soldiers salute to the teacher, "Hai Sensei!(yes teacher)I'm here!".

Ōkami's POV 
Similar to an American patriot soldier that returned home and was at a National Day parade I saluted to Sensei(teacher) giving him my 101% of respect. All eyes were on me, silence filled the room. Then I realised I had done something out of the ordinary. Everyone seemed to overcome the silence and now the class was filled with a roar of laughter. Even Akazuki sitting beside me was laughing so hard that her hands were pressed onto her stomach. Tears of joy leaking out of her eyes as she continued laughing. The sight of her laughing face made me blush, my face turning red. Upon seeing my expression the class laughed even louder. That made my face turn into a tomato.I sat down super embarrassed, Akazuki still laughing at me.

Akazuki's POV
Ōkami's reaction was hilarious, I could not stop laughing at him. "Shut it." He said as he shot me a dirty look, pouting at the same time. I still continued to giggle but stopped laughing more or less. Ōkami continued his pouting and even crossed his arms. He looked so cute such a tsundere, I thought to myself. Giggling once more and we waited for Sensei(teacher) to call our names then lesson started soon after.

(Time skip to lunch)

Sensei(teacher) had left the class already. Everyone was slowly streaming out to get food or see their friends from their classes. As for me I was taking the bentos out of my school bag. Oh no, I thought. The bentos may be wasted because of my stupid action this morning. I sighed, about to put the bento back when Ōkami grabbed my arm. "Akazuki, would you come with me? I need to tell you something." He said. His tone serious to a certain degree yet light. "B-But Hana. Eh-er bento?" I stuttered awkwardly as he stared at me. He nodded yet shrugged at the same time, he was so confusing. "I'll text Karasuno about Hana." He said. In the end, I decided to bring the two bentos along with me.

Ōkami walked with a quick stride as he texted, making it a little hard to catch up. Holding both the bentos, I scuttled along behind him like a lost puppy. He climbed up the stairs continuously all the way to the top. Reaching the roof, opening the door for me, he signalled me to enter the secluded and restricted area. I walked in with him following suit, closing and locking the door behind us. The last time we were up here he left the door unlocked, it made me scared. All this happened while I was thinking. Thinking about what was going to happen. What was he going to do to me?

Ōkami's POV
I turned around and faced Akazuki. I sighed, "Eh-erm, Akazuki. I-I've got some matters to talk about. And th-they are really important." I said hesitantly, stumbling on my words occasionally. Her body language signalled fear, knees slightly buckled and hugging the bento boxes close to her chest. The emotion reached her eyes slightly. My heart sank to the bottom of the ocean upon realising that I may actually be scaring her. However, I needed to settle this situation. I really need to. First would be my confession. I took in a deep breathe, gathering my courage to say these words. With all my heart...

Akazuki's POV
"Akazuki, boku wa aishiteru.(I love you Akazuki)" Those words tumbled out of Ōkami's mouth. My eyes widened, heart beating even faster. He...loved me? A tear of joy leaked from my eye. "Watashi aishiteru amarini mo!(I love you too)" I said. Jumping forward onto Ōkami, hugging him ever so tightly,as if he would have disappeared if I had let go. Ōkami hugged me back too as he supported my weight with his lean muscular arms. But then, he let go, and put me down. Why? Was he pushing away just after we have confirmed our mutual love? Why would he do that?

Ōkami's POV
When I put Akazuki down, she stared at me. Eyes filled with questioning and anguish, another tear leaked from her eye. But this time it was a tear of torment. Her pained expression slashed me through the heart. I could feel the bitterness gushing out, it was complete agony to see her like this, but it had to be done. Lowering my head, not wanting to look her in the eye. "That's not the only thing I wanted to say," I started to talking once more. "I-I'm not who I seem t-to be. I-I-I'm not...human." I said, after which, all my confidence started disappearing after finishing my sentence. I looked up to see her expression, it differed from what I thought it would have been. She looked...

"Two weeks since the last chapter, shit has changed a lot. There's a new editor and posting has changed from weekly to fortnightly."~Writer
"Yeah hi guys,I'm the new editor. I hope you'll like my writing style,not sure if you find my writing style worse or better than the last person if you don't like it pls say I'll switch my ass up."~TribyTypes
"Well I hope you enjoyed the story!!"~Writer
"Yeah it's great,I'm not gay just liked to clarify that,aight stay tuned I Guess,peace."~TribyTypes
"Great intro.... O-O"~Writer

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