Chapter One: The Road Led to Magnolia

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     I looked out at the stretch of dusty road before me and sighed. The sun beat down mercilessly and there was no sign of any civilization near by. There was no choice but to continue onward. There had to be a town eventually, right? I continued walking, hoping that I would reach shelter by nightfall.

-Time Skip because nobody wants to read about walking-

    The sun was beginning to set when  I caught a glimpse of lights in the distance. Could it be? I walked faster, my excitement building. It was indeed a town, and not a small one either. Though the day was ending, the streets were far from empty. I looked in wonder at the sights around me. Though I had reached a town, I still didn't know what my next move would be. I sat down on a bench, lost in the unfamiliar surroundings.
        "Natsu," I heard someone call out, "it's too late for this, can't I just go home?"
     A boy with pink hair was running down the street, dragging a blonde haired girl behind him. A blue cat flew behind them, telling them to wait for him.
      I blinked, and rubbed my eyes. Was I seeing things? What just happened? Though they were strange, there was something about them that made me feel a little less alone. Cautiously, I followed them, not entirely sure why.
      It was getting darker by the minute. I was beginning to worry that I had lost track of them. I began to feel very nervous. I knew nothing about this town and feared that I was lost. Just then, I heard a voice behind me.

"Hey, are you okay? Do you need any help getting home?"

     I jumped, the voice startling me out of my thoughts. It was the blonde girl from before, her eyes full of concern.

"N-No, I'm fine, I'm just, um, I'm just.." I trailed off, unable to think of an excuse. Though I was 15, old enough to be out on my own, I looked very young for my age. It was no wonder she was worried about me. I met her gaze. Her eyes were full of honest concern. She seemed kind, but it had been a long time since someone had spoken to me like this, and I was wary. My fear of spending the night alone in this unfamiliar place overcame my doubts. Maybe she knew of a safe place to spend the night here. It was worth a try.

"Actually Miss, I was wondering if you knew a place where I could spend the night. I said, looking at her embarrassedly.

She smiled at me and said, "You can spend the night at my place, if you would like". 

I hadn't been expecting that! Was this some sort of trick? Her eyes seemed so kind, though, and I was tired from my travels. I nodded and bowed my head in gratitude.

"Thank you miss, you are very kind!" I said.

She smiled again. Just then, the boy and the cat from before came running up behind us.

"Lucy where were you, we've been looking all over," the boy shouted.

"Hey, who's the kid?" the cat added.

My cheeks flushed. Why did I have to be so small. The girl explained the situation while I stared shyly at my shoes.

"I'm Lucy by the way," the girl added when she was finished, "and this is Natsu and Happy."

They smiled at me. I'd never met such warm and caring people in my life.

"M-My name is Akita," I said, "and it's very nice to meet you. Thank you for all your kindness.

Lucy led me to her home, and we said goodbye to Natsu and Happy. She led my up the stairs to her apartment room. I couldn't believe I was staying in such a nice place, even if it was just for the night. We sat and talked for a while. I learned she belonged to a guild called Fairy Tail, but she was kind of new. In fact, she had only joined a couple of weeks before.
       Finally she yawned and told me she was kind of tired. It had already been decided I would sleep on the couch. She said goodnight, and I nodded. Then it all went wrong. She gave my shoulder a quick squeeze, no doubt just trying to be friendly.
        I couldn't help it. Panic surged through me. I cried out and jerked out of her grasp, nearly falling to my knees. I was trembling, and gasping for breath.
      "I'm sorry Miss, I-I don't like to be touched, it's nothing against you, I'm so sorry."
        She looked very upset. She apologized over and over. I didn't mean to make her feel so awful, I guess I just didn't expect her to care so much.

       "Please, don't feel bad," I said, "You didn't do anything wrong! I'm fine! Ummm...Good night...thank you for everything!"

I wasn't sure what to say, but I hoped that didn't sound too awkward. Honesty I wasn't trying to rush her, but I seriously needed some alone time.

       She nodded and smiled at me, though a bit weakly. She turned around and headed to her room. I sprawled out on the couch, my mind still racing from the events of the evening, and lay there, lost in thought, until I finally fell asleep.

It's very bad I'm sowwyyy. This is my first try. No ones gonna read this, but I'll update anyways. <3

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