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Auston's POV:

I laughed at something Freddie said before my smile was wiped off my face completely as I saw Jordyn walk into the arena and take a seat just three rows behind Brynn, wearing my jersey. Freddie noticed my silence and skated up to me. "You okay?"

I shook my head. "Jordyn's here."

His face dropped and he skated to where he was in front of me as he waved Mitch over. Mitch moves from his spot quick and joined us.

"Hey, what's going on?" Mitch asked with a smile as he waved at a little kid.

Freddie leaned down to whisper in his ear as Mitch's smile slowly fell and he looked into the stands.

"Why the hell did you invite her?" He asked me.

"I didn't fucking invite her Marns. Come on now. What am I going to do?" I asked.

Freddie looked behind himself at the stands and caught Brynn's gaze as she waved before laying her hands back on her stomach and continuing to talk to Steph.

"Look you just worry about the game. I'll get a puck, throw it over to Steph, and let her know about our 'situation' alright?" Mitch told me as he looked at me.

I nodded. He nodded with me before going to to the bench and grabbing a puck and pen. He scribbled something down on it before handing it to a guard and pointing out Steph. He walked up to her and handed her the puck as Brynn's attention was adverted on Elle as she tried to get her comfortable before the game started. Steph read the puck and paled before shoving it into her jacket pocket and nodding towards Mitch. She calmed herself and rekindled the conversation with Brynn as Mitch skated over to me.

"What did you tell her?" I asked.

"I told her to make sure that Brynn and Jordyn don't come into contact with each other tonight. I also said not to make it too obvious as to what she does." Mitch told me.

I looked at Freddie as he nodded at Mitch. "Now we all need to get through this game and deal with this after. One thing at a time Auston." Freddie said.

I nodded. One thing at a time.

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