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Brynn's POV:

I quietly opened the bedroom door and smiled at Auston and Elle who were still fast asleep. The past couple of days had been our family trying to cheer Auston up about being eliminated from the playoffs. I knew how to get him though. We were planning an off-season trip to Los Angeles and Scottsdale to visit both my family and Auston's. We hadn't set any details yet but had a plan of what we were wanting to do. I slowly slid inside the room and sat down on Auston's bedside. I ran my fingers through his messy brown locks as he let out a sigh. By this time, Elle had woken up and was crawling over Auston's sleeping body towards my arms. I picked her up and walked to the bathroom with her, trying my hardest to be quiet as I closed the door. Not only was Auston asleep, but Kingsley was out like a light and I was finally getting some actual silence. I turned the hot water on and handed Elle her toothbrush.

"Brush your teeth baby. Then we'll go make breakfast for daddy and sissy okay," I told her.

She nodded and grabbed the toothbrush from my hand as she scrubbed away on her teeth. I watched her and giggle every so often at how silly she was. She was definitely starting to pick up some of Mitch's traits. I heard the door open and saw Auston shuffle in as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He was adorning only black sweatpants because he constantly gets hot at night. He kissed Elle on the forehead then leaned down to kiss mine as I smiled at him.

"Good morning gentle giant," I told him with a smirk.

He yawned as he spoke groggily. "Good morning."

He turned to look at Elle in the mirror and they both started getting hit with fits of giggles. Both of their brown curls that sat atop their heads were sticking up every which way as they couldn't have looked anymore similar than they did in that moment. I giggled with them before I heard a whine from Kingsley on the baby monitor. I quickly stood up before Auston stopped me.

"I got her, relax." He told me as he walked out.

I sat back down as Elle looked at me from on top of the counter.

"You done?" I asked.

She nodded as I lifted her off the counter. I grabbed a brush and gently brushed out her hair so it at least laid flat on her head. She smiled and gave me a kiss as Auston walked back into the bathroom with Kingsley in his arms. I smiled at him as Elle and I led the way to the kitchen.

"What'll it be for breakfast today Elle?" I asked her as Auston sat down on the couch still holding the baby.

"Eggs." Elle said.

I rolled my eyes with a smile as I heard Auston let out a deep chuckle.

"Again," He said as he lifted his head up from the couch to look at her.

She nodded with a smile as he shook his head. "You're gonna turn into an egg at some point."

Elle giggled as I brought her into the living room so she could watch cartoons. Auston set Kingsley down next to her and walked back into the kitchen with me.

"So, I know you've been upset about being eliminated." I told him.

He nodded. "About that. I'm sorry. I shouldn't be taking that out on you."

I shook my head. "I'm still here aren't I. You can't get rid of me that easily. Besides who else would fly to Arizona and California with you?"

He looked at me with wide eyes and picked me up spinning me around in a tight bear hug. "You bought the tickets?" He asked me with a smile.

"Right after the game ended Tuesday, I sent over the verification code. We leave Wednesday. So we have just enough time to pack." I told him.

Auston kissed me before pulling away slightly. "What about Jordyn?"

I smiled up at him. "Don't worry about her. Let's just focus on our two beautiful girls and our families."

He kissed me again as he started to help me make breakfast. I got everything prepared as Auston stopped me once more.

"Hey, I love you. You know that," He told me as he kissed my forehead.

"I know." I told him with a big smile.


A soft, domestic Auston has got me feeling some type of way.😍😍😍

him | auston matthews | 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ