"Owww!" I complained at the point of it. He grinned at me but it slowly faded to a look of contemplation. He hugged the pillow to his chest and laid back, facing the ceiling.

"I think Elena and I are headed towards a breakup." He said quietly. Uh, what now? Is Romeo seriously thinking about breaking up with his Juliet?

"Are you serious? Why?" I asked after a few moments. 

"She's changing into someone I'm not recognizing. She's more bitter nowadays. You should hear the way she always goes on about you and how dangerous you might turn to be especially since you're always hanging out with the Mikaelson's. And if I try to defend you, it turns into this huge argument. She's always talking to Bonnie and Caroline about something but once I get near, they all clam up. It's been happening for weeks now and I'm honestly over it. I'll always love her but I think I'm falling out of love with her. Plus, she's been eyeing Damon lately and I don't have the heart to go through another Katherine fiasco." He finished. My heart hurt for him. I still held the grudge big time but just the look in his eyes nearly broke my heart as well. He was still my big brother after all. I bit my lip and lunged at him, hugging him as tight as I could. His arms made their way around me and he hugged me just as fiercely. It carried on for a few minutes as I revered in the warmth before I pulled back.

"We may have our moments and be on opposing sides at times but I still love you okay? And I'll support you in most things and if you feel like you will actually go through with this, I will have your back. Savvy?" I smiled at him and held out my pinky. He offered me a half-hearted smile but linked out pinkies together. Still smiling gently at him, I went back and snuggled under his arm. We stayed there till we heard the door open and a familiar voice asking where Stefan was. Looking at Stefan's conflicting expression, I held his hand and squeezed.

"Whatever you decide." I reminded him and he nodded, relaxing slightly. We stayed in the same position even as we listened to Elena's footsteps heading up the stairs. 

"Stefan! Are you in here?" She called out before opening the door. Her eyes widened comically as she saw us just chilling on his bed. I smirked at her.

"Hello, Elena. Nice for you to drop in this evening. You're looking much calmer than earlier." I snickered before getting up. I kissed Stefan's cheek and rapped my knuckles against his forehead.

"Remember my words, knucklehead." I teased before walking out, though not without bumping shoulders with Elena who stood in the doorway with a confused expression. I walked downstairs back to the kitchen. 

"Is the food almost done, chef?" I asked, poking my head in the kitchen's doorway. Damon was dancing by himself, holding the bottle of wine in one hand. He pointed at me to come closer. I slowly did, an amused look on my face that turned into laughter as he grabbed me and twirled me around the kitchen. He then leads me into a waltz and stopped me in front of the counter with a large bowl.

"Do the salad please." He grinned before returning to the stove. I shook my head but began shredding the lettuce that's been washed. Minutes later, Elena and Stefan walked down; Elena looking very irritated and red as Stefan just looked exhausted. 

"Dinner's almost done," Damon said pleasantly, taking another swig of the wine. Stefan nodded and walked over to help me chop up the rest of the vegetables. Elena sat at the counter, looking hella grumpy. I raised my eyebrow at her but she just scowled at me and turned her head. Shrugging, I tossed to rest of my vegetables in the bowl, leaving the rest to Stefan. I snagged the wine bottle away from Damon and took a sip before setting the table like a proper girl instead of taking shots at Elena like I really wanted to.

The cooking finished without any fights as disappointing as that is and we all sat down, nice and proper. I twirled my spaghetti on my fork and took a bite, nearly moaning. Damon's pasta is a heaven sent gift. I'll fight anyone who tried to disagree with me. I grinned at Damon after I swallowed my bite.

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