Chapter 31-Prisoner of...

Start from the beginning

“I will rip every body part from you slowly until you die…and that’s a promise. I will find her and I will kill you,” I promised.

“I don’t think you will lover boy. If you don’t cooperate with me fully you will lose the pack and you will lose her. I want you to listen close to my demands. If you do as I say you might just get her back if I am feeling generous,” he told me.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“Well I want the pack and her, but I will settle for the pack. I have Joanna here and we are going to break Tiffany of her power. When I have her power transferred to me and she is of no threat to me and you hand over the pack you may have your precious Tiffany back but you both will be banished from pack lands,” he told me all of this in a matter of fact tone. I felt something break inside of me I growled and crushed the phone into the nearest tree it fell in millions of pieces to the ground.

Tiffany pov

After two days of just me, myself, and Andrea bringing me food Stephan finally came back. He came into my room and I rushed over and grabbed him into a hug. You would be surprised how happy you can be to see someone you actually know when you spend all day for days in a room alone.

“Stephan I am so happy to see you,” I said as I hugged the life out of him. He chuckled at me.

“I am happy to see you too,” he said.

We walked over to the bed and sat down together.

“What is going on? What is our plan? Was the pack in danger or something? I am so confused and I have so been worried,” words just poured from me without even giving him the option to speak. He cocked his head to the side like he was thinking hard.

“Tiffany, I have to know…do you like me?” he asked. Oh, crap things have been weird since we had that one dance but I thought he had gotten over all of that.

“We shared that life altering dance that night and I haven’t been able to think of any other girl since. I am willing to mate and marry you right now. All you have to do is say the word. We can rule the pack and I will do everything in my power to make you the happiest woman to ever live,” he begged.

“Stephan I really like you but things have been going really well with Dylan. I think he has changed and I think he may love me. What does all of this matter now though? We have to keep the pack safe from these people,” I was even more confused now.

“I was afraid you might say that,” he said looking down. “Well, sweetheart here is the plan. I am going to have you train with Joanna she is the best trainer in the area. We are going to change your powers. When you get to the strength that we need we will go back to the pack and clear everything up, okay?” he asked.

Before I had a chance to answer he had pushed me from sitting on the bed to laying on it and he was leaning half way over on me. He smashed his lips to mine. He kissed me feverishly for what seemed like an eternity but I just lay there frozen to the bed. After he was done kissing me he sat back up.

“You didn’t kiss me back!” he said angrily. “I thought if you just kissed me you would realize I am the one!” I just lay there staring at him in disbelief. He got up from the bed and stormed out of the room. As he slammed the door I heard a faint clicking noise. WTH am I a prisoner of Stephan's now? I quickly went to the door. Sure enough it was locked. I have to figure some way out of this room. Obviously, something is way off about this whole situation. Stephan is acting like a mad man. First talking about me training and going to the pack and then next he is slamming me on the bed and kissing me. This is much much worse than being attacked even by rogues. We have been betrayed by our own. If I was stronger right now I would get out of here with no help from anyone. There must've been something in that needle they shoved in me keeping my powers from being in use.


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