Road Trip

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      Peter, Michelle, and the rest of the Midtown Decathlon Team were supposed to be boarding a round-trip flight to Maine right about now for yet another Academic Decathlon. Instead, the flight was delayed; so were Peter and Michelle. The rest of the team are waiting on them in the airport, where they were ready to board the plane. The two rode different taxi cabs to get there, but arrived at the same time. Once they arrived, the rest of the team weren't there anymore and had already left and boarded the plane.

The two then went to the info desk/front desk and asked when the next flight was. The woman had told them that the rest of the flights for the rest of the day are cancelled. They had no other choice but to take a rental car and drive there.  Now here's the thing that would make both of them absolutely dread this road trip they were about to embark on: they weren't exactly close. And they were afraid that that would make everything awkward.  Once they had put their luggages in the trunk, they sat on the front seats, staring out the windshield.

  "Soooo, this is gonna take approximately 7 hours. Do you wanna buy snacks first, before we go?" Peter asked shyly.

  "Yeah, sure. Let's stop at a 7-11 first or something."  Peter drove them to the nearest 7-11. He grabbed Doritos, Cheetos, Kitkats, and Coca-Colas for him and Michelle grabbed Pringles, Kettle Chips, gum and Sprites for her. She insisted of paying for hers and he could just pay for his but he willingly paid for the both of them.

  "You know, you don't have to earn everyone's trust." She said to him in a low voice.

  "I know. But I want to. There's a difference." She nodded at him.  Once they were all set, they headed out to the road. For a couple of minutes, they sat in complete silence. Michelle broke it by saying,

  "Any good music on here?" She asked, looking and pointing at Peter's phone.

  "I mean, you could just plug your phone in if you want to." He handed her the AUX cable.

  "I mean, if you insist." She took it then plugged it in her phone. Michelle scrolled through the list of songs on her phone and clicked When The Party's Over by Billie Eilish.

  "Umm, okay, way to enlighten the mood." Peter side-commented.

  "What? You handed me the AUX!"

  "I'm kidding. I like this song."

  "Me too. I just love how she describes certain emotions perfectly through her music. The way she does her art... she's just that good. And we're literally the same age as her, which completely blows my mind."

  "Oh come on, you're talented too." He said, glancing at her briefly before turning his attention back to the road.

  "Oh pffft. Hell no. I'm the last talented person on this planet."

  "Oh my god, you've got to have at least a hidden talent. Come on, tell me!" She grinned at him and shook her head profusely.

  "I told you... I don't have a talent." She paused. "Is reading a book a talent?"

  "That's a hobby, MJ." He giggled, making her giggle too. "Come onnnnn, it's literally just the two of us in here. And anything that happens in here, stays in this car only. I promise."

  "Okay. Fine." She shuffled the songs in her playlist and landed on a Taylor Swift track as she begun singing along to it. Peter was left amused and stared at her abruptly, smiling like there's no tomorrow.

  "Michelle!" She blushed at the sound of him saying her name out loud.

  "Yeah?" She softly said.

  "I knew you had a talent."

  "Okay, now that I've got mine out, tell me yours." He took a deep breath.

  "Okay. This isn't a talent but, it's a secret. Just promise me that you're not gonna tell this to anyone."

  "Promise. Just like what you said, whatever happens in here, stays here."

  "And please don't think I'm crazy."

  "Why would I ever think that? You're the sanest person I know."

  "Because... I'm..."

  "You're... what?"

  "I'm actually Spider-Man."

  "Pfffft." She busted out laughing. "You think I didn't know that already?"

  "Wait- Huh?!"

  "Only a real dumbass would think you aren't Spider-Man." She suddenly thought of Flash.

  "But... But how?!"

  "Oh come on, Pete. It's so convenient that whenever you're not around, Spider-Man is. And when he isn't around, you are. I just put two and two together. You know, if you really wanna keep it a secret, you'd try a little bit harder."

  "Yeah, I guess I should improve on that." He awkwardly chuckled.

  "It's fine. I don't think a lot of people know about it, except Ned."

  "How do you know that he knows?"

  "You guys are best friends. It's just pure common sense, Peter."

  "Oh. I guess that does make sense." She laughed.

      For the rest of the trip, they played and sang along to a lot of the songs on Michelle's phone. They talked about their past, family backgrounds and all. Including deep, depressing shit both went through.  At one point, they started running out of gas and Peter hadn't noticed. The car started slowing to a stop once they had reached a Lay-By on the interstate.

  "Well shit." He smacked the steering wheel.

  "Hey, don't blame yourself. Let's just contact and they'll help us."

  "But it's my fault we're not gonna make it in time."

  "It's okay. It's just a decathlon."

  "But I know you worked your butt off to prep all of us. You studied day and night to prepare for this."

  "If we lose this year, we can just compete again the next. It's not the end of the world, Pete." She held his hand. "We're gonna be fine."  He stared at her beautiful chocolate brown eyes and caressed her soft cheek.

  "God, you're amazing." He said briefly before he leaned in and kissed her. Her hands found its way to the back of his head and pulled him in even closer. It went on and on and they had lost track of time. Michelle pulled away, breathless.

  "You really should contact first." She told him.

  "Oh, shit, right." He went to the website and filled up the needed info. Right after, Michelle pulled him in roughly and passionately kissed him.

***After they've been rescued***

      The rest of the trip, they just talked to each other (yet again) about much more, joked around, kissed, and munched on the rest of the snacks they had left. They even switched sometimes on who would drive. Once they arrived and checked in the hotel, they greeted the rest of the team.

  "What happened to you guys?" asked Ned.

  "Well, I guess you could say," Peter looked and grinned at Michelle. "It was an adventure of a lifetime."

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