Anything Could Happen

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  “Fuck. Here we go again…” Michelle whispers to herself. She had seen Peter Parker with that smiley face he has all day. It annoyed her. She didn’t know why, but she believed nobody’s that happy.

  “Hey Michelle!” He had told her as he and Ned walked by.

  “Hey loser.” She had to put up with him all day, every day. Even after school, in decathlon practice. It’s not that he was a bad person or anything, that wasn’t the reason she hated him. He just annoyed the shit out of her, sometimes even talking her ear off every day.

***At Lunch***

  “Umm.. Michelle?” Peter called out to her from the far end of the lunch table.

  She sighed, putting her book down. “Yeah?”

  “I just wanted to ask if you could help Ned and I with that assignment you gave us last meeting. We can’t answer the last question.”

  “Fine.” She scooted over to them and moved her things. Her mood got even more ruined because she was sitting next to Peter, but his face lit up like a christmas tree. He and Ned grabbed their papers from their bags. As she taught them the solutions, Peter had stared at her with complete admiration. He had idolized her from the very beginning. Hell, it wasn’t even idolizing anymore. He had a crush on her.

  “Okay. So, y’all get it now?” She asked, looking at Ned first. He nodded. Then, she looked back at Peter, who was still staring at her. When they met eyes, he shook his head and fell out of the gaze. “You get all that, lover boy? You were staring at me the whole goddamn time.” Peter blushed, Ned was silently giggling.

  “Yeah, I did. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.” She scooted back to her original seat. This was another reason why she dreaded being with him. He would just stare at her like she was some magnificent being. She wasn’t, and she knew that. She hated it when people assumed that she is. After that embarassing incident, Peter decided just to leave her alone for a while. He didn’t want to be the cause of ruining her day.

***At Class***

  “Inhale. Exhale. It’s okay, Michelle. Just breathe in, then breathe out.” His voice stood out from all the others that she heard. He squeezed her hand tightly as she heavily breathed. She couldn’t stop crying because she felt the air closing in on her lungs. Everything around her spiraled, her vision became blurry because of all the tears, but he remained standing there by her side, guiding her through all the pain.

  “You’re gonna be fine.” said her teacher. “Come on, Ms. Jones, you can sit down on the side for a bit. It’s okay.”

  “Come here,” He sat her down on her chair and stayed there. “Relax, MJ. Everything is gonna be fine.” She recognized the voice. It was coming from Peter Parker. His comforting tone calmed her down. She closed her eyes for a bit and nodded. Slowly, her breathing became normal again.

  “Thank you, Mr. Parker. Now students, kindly go back to your seats and the presentation shall continue.” Peter patted her hand twice before going back to his desk. She grabbed her water bottle and slowly drank.

After the class, Michelle rushed towards her locker and organized her things. A few inches away was Peter’s. He shot a quick glance at her but when she noticed and looked back, he pretended like he wasn’t doing anything and went back to his business. It was one of the first times she wasn’t bothered by his stares and gazes.

      Michelle was never really seen or noticed. But after her anxiety attack, everyone would get a quick glimpse at her and mutter some sort of rumor under their breath to the person beside them. That weirdo must’ve gotten out of rehab recently or something. Or something absurd like, Yeah, I heard that girl spent some time in an asylum when she was younger. The only people she noticed that weren’t really paying attention to these rumors other than herself were Peter Parker and Ned Leeds, and she was very thankful that there were at least some sane people left in her school.

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