Mystical Mischief - Memory Mishaps - Part 4

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The day continued with mild success, but it was definitely interesting to see Sunset use such a rude insult to a girl with lots of stars and a very over the top atmosphere to her. I have had a few classes with her. She's very extroverted, and I think she has a weird ego I can never seem to understand.  As I slowly tune out their conversation as she says while the crowd of students disperses, I don't know why but whenever I see her, my head feels extremely foggy and bubbly, like I'm remembering something from my past.  

Whenever I get these bubbles of fogginess, they occur when something suddenly triggers my locked away memories, and when I'm not busy with homework, group work and class work, I've usually asked my 'Radiant RaeRae' if I can attempt magical counseling with Sunset, which had always been answered with a yes prior to the past few days, since I explained that it was to try and help me recover my locked away memories she'd seen in my head back when I first joined the school.

Oh, right, sidetracking, sorry. Now where was I? Oh yeah, that's Trixie, I remember why I was thinking of her now. I weirdly think to myself, partially oblivious but picking up on Melody's questioning and curious gaze as she walks past us, while watching Sunset somehow befriending Trixie right in front of our eyes. 

"--etty Decent Assistant-Detective-Helper Person." I hear in response to something Sunset chided to her. 

I noticed that the book in Sunset's locker starts to vibrate, but she's not paying attention as she walks off with Trixie, as I take it and read it. I look in surprise at Twilight's message, then put the book back in the locker with a note. I say to and zoom over to the portal and jump back through to Ponyville.

"Oh great, not this again!" I yell as I feel my body stretching again, the pain much worse than before, whilst also trying to stop myself from moving in the weird dimension-like goop once again. 

This time, the weird pink trail from earlier was even closer than it had been before and even had a different direction. Like it was getting closer. Not wanting to experience what happened last time, I just let the magic take me.  

Upon arriving, I am somehow already in my superspeed as my eyesight, for a brief instant, felt higher than it had been when I was here previously and I catch a glimpse of my actual hand before my vision is covered in a silver and rainbow coloured magic for a split second and I was shifted back out as I continue staring at my hoof. 

"That must be some kind of magical hallucination." I whisper, then cringe as it reverberates around the room.  Or some magic interference. I add as an afterthought, in case I'm actually heard.

I hear movement coming from outside the hallway, so I feel like I should hide, but instead, I remember what I'd come back here for, so I wait patiently, but feel a bit panicked.   Rounding the corner is none other than Princess Twilight.  

"Who are you? where's- Nevermind, I remember!" She almost shrieks, before recognising me in my pony form after facehoofing at herself.  "I take it you're here regarding the memory stone?" She adds, composing herself.  

"Yeah, among other things." I reply, as we trot out of her castle and head back into Canterlot.  

On the way, Twilight gives me some pointers on how the magic in her world works, in comparison to the other.  

So in retrospect, I can't use my abilities here like the way I did back in the human world. I think to myself, when Twilight decides that we should take a look for information regarding the use of the Memory Stone and how i can regain access to my magic in her world.  

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