Drawn Together

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I wake up with panic, still feeling a bit nauseous, as if I had been in shock. I have a vague recollection of where I was, but I was too sleepy and just completely out of it to not even acknowledge where 'here' even was. Mainly because of the nightmare I just had.

I go to stand up, but imagine your head exploding and imploding at the exact same time, mixed with a headache, a migraine and a bit of brain freeze. It absolutely hurts, I'll tell you that much.

I had no idea I'd made any noise at the pain in my head, but the next thing I can register during the pain is the soft hug I feel as I clench my head tightly. I open my eyes when I feel the hug loosen, finding the same girl I thought was cute holding a cup of something. I could tell it wasn't water, as water doesn't give off vapour. Hot drinks do that.

"Here, drink this, sweetie," She whispers softly. "This should help for the moment." I remove one hand and take a look at the contents in the mug.

It looks yellow but tinged with brown and smells... what's the word? Extravagant? Exquisite? No, it's exotic. That's the one.

I feel her rub my back as I take a sip of the warm drink. It tastes so much better than coffee. I notice a slight taste on my tongue after the first sip, but can't put any thoughts on it. Well, I could describe it as a taste of apples, chocolate and ... well, I can't really tell what the last bit is.

After a few more sips, my headache that feels like my head will explode begins to stop throbbing as much. I'm left with a very odd ringing in my ears from it.

"What is this?" I asked, turning to her, paying no attention to my voice. "It's nice, but I can't name one of the things I'm tasting in it. What is it?" She stops rubbing my back, then gets yup off of the bed.

This is when I notice that this might be either her bedroom or a guest bedroom. I'm hoping it's a guest bedroom, but I've not looked at the room completely yet.

"Well," She replies, chuckling a bit, but I pick up on the sad frown that makes an appearance on her face just as she looks at her lap. "With your current condition, I had to ask for help from Applejack to get you up into my bedroom." I catch a slight peachy glow on her cheeks as I watch her fidget with the edge of her dress.

Uhh... yu-your buh-bedrh-room?! I thought, looking away from Rarity. I then take note of many fashion designs and written notes on a desk over on the opposite wall from her bed. How come I hadn't noticed any of this when I ... Oh. Yeah. My condition. I turn back to her, placing a hand on her leg closest to me.

"Hey, uh-um..." I say, slightly stuttering. I can hear how hoarse my voice sounds as I speak. "Could you help me to, uh, to get downstairs?"

After shakily getting up, I feel my strength returning slowly as she agrees with a nod to help me. I notice a very strong look of concern on her face as she also grabs my arm and carefully places it over her shoulders.

I try to avoid eye contact, partly because this is probably awkward for both of us, partly because we're probably blushing strongly. Well, I feel like I am anyway. But it's mostly for my sake, if anything else.

I begin taking stronger and stronger steps as we head down a set of stairs to her kitchen. We manage to reach and sit down on the small sofa by the wall.

I dozed off for just a few minutes after feeling tired just from coming downstairs, but I wake up as I hear a loud clang of noise.

"Rarity?" I call out, my voice sounding a lot better than it did earlier. I watch someone smaller, probably a younger girl, just dash through a doorway I hadn't noticed. It was then when something weird happened.

MLP: Equestria Girls - Lucky ChancesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang