"Who Is She?" - Memory Mishaps, Part 1

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Walking around the school the next day, getting ready for almost a whole weekend of just Rarity and I being alone together and growing closer. With knowing that her birthday is today, Pinkie surprisingly kept this a secret rather than blurt it out around the school that we'd agreed on a small, friends-only party on the beach.  I just wish I could remember where I was from, seeing that just a day ago, I had previously and accidentally overheard Rarity with Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna talking about what she'd discovered. 

Something feels like I've been kept in the dark about something ... but my thoughts are rudely interrupted as I bump into a green, well, darker green haired girl. I'm knocked to the floor, sprawling all my sheets of school work and some textbooks across the floor between us. As some papers float down to the floor, I notice how I've never truly met her before, but each time I remember dodging her I'd not remember dodging her. A bit like Deja Vu, but the other name. Oh, Jamais Vu, that's it.

"Sorry," She says softly, picking me up off the floor. "I should probably watch where I'm going."  She bends down with me to pick my papers up, as well as her textbooks.

"It's okay," I reply, smiling softly as she her shyness reminds me of Fluttershy.  "Things happen." As I get up, she shows no sign of emotion, but I do catch a glint of her mind doing lots of work through her eyes as she just continues on her way to class.   I catch a glimpse of a rock in her hands, reminding me of Pinkie's sister I keep hearing about who has a pet rock. If I remember correctly, her name was Maud.

That was odd, I think to myself.  Who is she anyway?  I've noticed her before, but I don't recall ever talking to her. I add, as I make my way to class.  I thought I was on time, but apparently I'd missed almost five minutes of it, but luckily the substitute let me in. The substitute's name was Hystericus Discordial, but the students all called him Mr Discord or 'sir'. He was a replacement for our science teacher, who's known for his sense of humour and to me, his wacky fashion sense made me think that it was anti-Rarity.

However, I found out earlier today that Rarity actually enjoyed his 'wardrobe malfunction' for how comical and unique it was. I guess I should be taking time to stop considering things like that if it makes her feel happy. Sonata enjoys it when he's her substitute, because his class experiments are fun and practical. Today, he was teaching us about time and how the Chaos Effect of what doing something one way, like a butterflies wing beat, could effect what happens further on exponentially.

The best example was to try and make two separate rivers just by blocking one small stream with your finger. The experiment was fun and he moved over effortlessly and efficiently to showing us what a flash flood does in comparison to a tsunami. His class was fun and it showed us how nature can be so, um, how did he describe it? Oh yeah, 'chaotically balanced'. Aside from this class the rest of the day goes by uneventful, but there have been an increase in moments with the ivy-green haired girl, but it kept popping up.

Later in the evening, Rarity and I decided to sit together and watch a movie. Sweetie Belle was out at a friends house with her other two friends and I got the feeling that I was being watched, but when I looked, nothing was there except for an empty window with a hanging photo on the right side with Rarity and Sweetie Belle when they were younger. I relax and look at the time instead. It's not that late, but the sky outside was just beginning to darken so we agreed to watch the TV for the rest of the episode.

Feeling tired together all of a sudden, we head upstairs and have a short kiss by her bedroom door, where my mind quickly wonders and I start to think of where I am and who I am again, with thoughts of that night waking up in the rain and remembering mostly nothing, followed by pain, then my sudden ability to run at near subsonic speeds like Rainbow Dash. This caused me to break the kiss with a distant gaze.

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