The Unexpected Trip - Memory Mishaps, Part 2

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I just look back towards the beach after hearing about the alternate world, still feeling reluctant to go. But after making up my mind, I decide to follow the girl. As we approached the bus, she stops after a few steps then turns to me.

"Would you, by any chance --" she says softly, whilst leaning in to whisper to me. "-- be able to use your speed to go to the portal?". She steps back. Looking like she'd just been fine with it, but I somehow felt her emotions she was giving off were contradictory to her facial expression as she stepped backwards a little bit.

I look around, wondering how she knew about my abilities. Seeing some students looking away from us, who I feel are scared or frightened of something, I shift into superspeed, pick her up and begin my sprint into Town. Along the roads I was following, it wasn't until I was passing some kind of camp in the forest when I lost my speed for a few seconds.

I don't know how, but even whilst losing it, I managed an almost perfect front flip that barely grazes the ground before I slide along on my feet, the smell of burning soles reaching my nose as she shuffles in my arms. I'm not going here again any time soon! My speed returns as I pass the camp entrance, unsure as to why I lost my speed.

Still shocked at the loss of my powers, I didn't run as fast as I was going previously, in case it happened again. But luckily, they didn't. Or at least I hope they won't. I slowly drop my speed to one that I can communicate at whilst still moving faster than a sports car.

"--ke a left. Oh, you missed the turn." I hear from her as her muffled voice speeds up and barely reaches my ears over the wind.

"Sorry, just tell me where to go and I'll get there." I reply at hopefully the same speed and tone, feeling her jump, albeit slower than normal, in my arms as I respond.

After telling me how to get to her apartment, we then head for our school, after she needed to change her appearance. I take a look around, wondering where this portal was, when her hand slowly squeezes my arm. Shifting out of superspeed, I slide towards the steps at the front of the school before I put her down.

Standing still for just a moment she appears to be a little dazed, blinking quickly. I sensed a bit of fright, but lots of a somewhat euphoric feeling. Why do I know this word? Wait a sec... And then I notice her hair and giggle a bit at it. My laughter then increases in volume, as she looks up and grabs her hair before laughing with me as she tidies it up with a brush from her bag. From her apartment of course.

"Well, that was interesting!" She says after fixing the final bit before holding her free hand out, still giggling with me. "I'm Sunset Shimmer. Nice to see you still remember me, Rhyan.". I take her hand, but I turn white when she calls me by my name. I haven't told her it yet! How does she know me? I thought in response.

Just by touching me, her eyes flash a magical white for a brief moment before she suddenly looks like she remembered something whilst giving me a caring look. Sometimes I wish I knew what what people were thinking with that face. I thought, when she just gives me a long hug out of nowhere.

"I'm sorry," she whispers reassuringly, before letting go. "I should've remembered that you still had memory issues. At least I've not been completely erased from your memories." I can't help but wonder what she means as she just holds my shoulders for a few more seconds, smiling assuringly, then starts walking towards the statue after letting go. "Are you coming or what?" She adds happily afterwards, as she turns her head around.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I respond, jogging up to her as she touches the side facing the school, making it glow around her hand before she passed straight into it. I stare is astonishment, then before anybody else can see, I just jump straight into it.

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