Trouble Comes in Three's

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It's been almost half a day without anything magical happening. Well, mostly that is. I was in a class earlier today and Trixie, who annoyingly refers to herself in third person a bit too much, tried to show up Fluttershy because she'd been talking to some of the birds, probably through some of her magic, but ended up with her solving a complicated maths question rather easily. I was honestly surprised at how smart she was, but also at how easily I understood it. 

Sometimes I wish I could just remember things, like how I can understand complex equations so easily, or how I can randomly say advanced words, uh, terminology.  I'm still vaguely aware that I'm seeing a world that is cartoon like, but recently, it just feels like I fit in. 

At lunch, the eight of us, Rarity, me, FlutterShy, Sunset and the others all went to the shopping mall. I was surprised to hear that the last time they were here, the other Twilight's, um, pupil Starlight Glimmer had saved the day and befriended another girl. If I remember correctly, her name was Juniper Montage? I hope I got that right. Anyway, we're sitting at the three small tables that Sunset had said she'd run out of pages in her journal.

"It's nice to be back here." I hear Rarity say on my left, as a hanging screen displays a music video with them and some other girls in it. "Ooh! We were actually doing that a couple of weeks ago actually, weren't we girls?" I watch as they all nod enthusiastically.  "Oh, the premiere night was a bit of a surprise for the three of us, but at least we survived that horrible mirror thing!" The girls agreed cheerfully, as we started having our lunch together.

I watch the video playing, wondering who the other girls are as I tuck into a tofu & salad salsa wrap.   I notice a girl with some small, movie reel hair clips in her hair as she works across the hall from us, at a popcorn stall. 

"Hey Sunset," I say, getting her attention, as well as the rest of them. "Uh, who's that over there?" I point in the general direction, after looking to check again.

"Oh, that's Juniper Montage." She replies, smiling.   Pinkie gets up and goes over to her and I watch as they share a hug and come over. 

"Heya." She waves a bit nervously at us, as I notice a few looks from onlookers with scowls on their faces. "I'm still getting used to all the stares.  But I'm not mad about you girls from before." I notice her looking between us all, making me look as well.  "Is Starlight not with you?" 

"Not exactly." Sunset responds, closing her journal.  "But right now, she's definitely 'out of town', so to speak." I wanted to know what she meant by that, but kept my mouth shut. 

"JUNIPER!" A static male voice calls out from a walkie talkie on her belt. "We have CUSTOMERS!" I notice her head droop a little, with a slightly angered look for a short moment, as she mimics his voice with a rudimentary hand that makes us laugh then says goodbye to us then as she heads back to the counter that she came from. 

A few minutes later, I hear a few raised voices as I see them all look with me towards the direction the voices came from.  I couldn't help but somehow recognise the hair of one of the three girls as one is leaning over the counter that Juniper's working at.  And once again, I get the feeling that I should know the other two, but I don't know why.

"Oh, great," I heard Sunset mumble. "The Dazzlings are back."  I look back at her in surprise, then remember the time trip I had with Dash to the past.  I catch a knowing look from Dash herself as we look at each other so quickly, you'll blink and miss it.

After partially overhearing them, I recognise Sonata is staying really quiet.  Her head looks higher than normal, but as they head off, I get a slight chill down my back as I catch Sonata looking back at me briefly but do nothing. As they walk off, they appear to be arguing between themselves as we continue with our lunch. I remember seeing something in Sonata's eyes, like she was trying to think. From what I heard from Sunset, she's quite oblivious to a lot of things going on around her.

MLP: Equestria Girls - Lucky ChancesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora