Battle of The Beyonder

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Staring at the oversized Minotaur, I catch Dash in my peripheral as she performs a pony-up, when I do the same.  That trick from earlier might be able to help us now.  But there's only one problem.

The demon girl from the shadows of the Room I'd seen her in.  And she's standing right below him.

"You're not going anywhere." She spoke to us, with the hollow, echo-like reverb of her voice.  We both jump and flinch when she appears near the creatures feet after it just straight up walks through the wall.  "Ghalmar The Beyonder wants to know who you are and why you want to stop him from ruling this retched world."

"You will not make us cower," I hear ZeZe yell from behind me, as I keep my eyes on the hooded girl.  "For we still have our additional power!"  I knew she was hinting indirectly at the two of us."  Out of nowhere, she bellow some native war cry, making everybody in the room run straight for the monster, excluding the younger ones of course.

Dash and I share a shocked look, then dash into the quarry with the mind-controlled minions were were told about earlier.  I'm continuously wishing I could just return to our other world.  I barely register a growing diamond blade as it passes right in front of me, bringing me to a standstill as I return to normal speed and look to my right, where it came from.  It was Rarity alright, but she looked exactly the same as the one I knew. 

I wanted to tell her about the two of us, but it was probably some secret rule that the universe doesn't allow to be broken. 

"Rhyan," I hear from behind me.  It was JackApples.  "We could really use your help right about now!" I turn to see a huge group closing in on her, so I shift to high speed again.

I begin with shoving, pushing and gently punching the minions around so that they're at least Knocked out from the fight.  I watch in surprise as I take out some number of them, as the mound above JA starts to bulge.  I move over to the growing and expanding pile, pulling each unfortunate victim off and putting them in a place before tapping their heads to send them to sleep.  I got that technique after watching Dash do it just moments ago, well, in our current perception of time anyway.

So many adults and teenagers that were victims of Ghalmar's mind control were entering the warehouse, but I kept seeing beads of sweat coming off of the girl that I remember as Melody from my previous home.   I think back, but as I do, a brief flash of red occurs in my vision, bringing me out of superspeed and dropping to the floor in excruciating pain.

"AAAGH, what is this?!" I yell in shock, making some of the teenagers nearby look at me. "It hurts, so, much!" I scream, as I start to hear a ringing in my ears. 

All of a Sudden all my senses return to normal, well not so much my hearing, then I look up at Melody again, as if she was the one who'd been in my head.  I can see her expression is now a half angered, half bewildered look. I still feel a bit dizzy from the attack, but I begin to stand back up, before I'm attacked again, this time however, I'm attacked by minions. 

"How did you defy my mental command?" I hear from Melody, her voice sounding a bit like a broken record, just a little bit though.  "Nobody, and I mean NObody, is able to withstand Broken Melody's mental attack!" I take note of how she called herself in the third person a bit like the girl Trixie from my own timeline.

Watching her eyes turn red, I shift into superspeed again, running around and knocking the minions out cold. Something feels strange as I turn one hundred and eighty degrees, appearing face to face with the girl I remember being Sonata, but as a minion. However, I do notice her eyes flickering from the red haze to their natural look. Still in superspeed, I grab her shoulders willing myself to spread my speed to her. In doing so, I had no idea how I did it, but she shifts into my speed and completely loses the look in her eyes, like the connections she'd been under was broken completely.

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