Timed Out

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The morning classes had all my classmates asking who I was, how fast I was and why I was racing against Rainbow Dash. All I could say was that they should watch the race to find out. Most of the sports teams were voting for Rainbow Dash, whereas a decent number of students were voting for me. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were able to create some flyers for the race yesterday and I was impressed at how many were voting for the two of us. We're pretty much neck-and-back in the number of votes we both have.

As lunch is starting, I have a smile on my face as I take my lunch outside to the sports fields. More specifically, the 400 metre racetrack followed by the city loop race. Most of the students were seated in the stands surrounding the racetrack. The surprise on my face as I walk out in some fancy running gear, courtesy of Rarity, was obvious to anybody looking my way. I quickly jog up to the starting line, where Dash was in her suit she'd worn from the previous school sports event.

If I can remember correctly, which I'm struggling to do from how nervous I am, I believe it was the... Uh... The Friendship Games? Yeah, I hope that's right. I thought to myself.

Anyway, I walk over to her by the starting line. I watch as she twiddles the stone gem on her neck, when I get a sense of déjà vu. I shrug it off, focusing on the starting line. I hear all the students begin to cheer for the two of us. After all, this is a friendly competition between the two of us. I kept hearing around the school about the magical problems that have appeared so many times and Sunset gave me a quick rundown of their second encounter with magic before the race. I grin broadly, as Dash sees me coming over.

"I see you didn't chicken out, huh?" She says teasingly, releasing her necklace. Indeed, I was two minutes late, but I didn't want to give away my true powers until the race around the town. I'm honestly surprised that Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna were able to pull it off.

"Nope," I reply, shifting the race kit Rarity made for me a little to avoid a bit of creasing. I have to say, she knew what I'd like without even asking me. "But I'm ready to beat you any day of the week." Insmirk teasingly.

"Haha," Dash replies. "Good luck with that!" We both laugh quickly, before getting into position at the start line. I had heard yesterday about another Twilight who was coming to see the race, but was delayed last minute. Sunset was hoping to talk face to face, but shrugged it off due to the race.

"On your marks," Started Luna, speaking into a megaphone. "Get set...... GO!!" The moment the horn went off, we took off at our fastest around the four hundred metre track without our powers. Those would be used in the bigger race.

I was able to keep up without breaking a sweat, making the students cheer wildly. I could see Dash smiling as she ran, but every time I caught up with her, I could see her worry until the corners on the track came up. On the third lap and the fifth & final lap, I was almost able to overtake and win, but one of my laces came undone and I tumbled into Rainbow Dash. This became a fast crabs across the finish line, where both of us were hoping to see who won. Because of this unexpected finish, we had tied our race times, as our hands both crossed the line simultaneously.

Also, we were out of breath, which felt odd for me, but that was probably due to the lack of super speed, like I could tap into it at will. I fell onto my back after winning the race as Dash leant on her knees.

"Whew," Rainbow Dash rasped, breathing quickly. "Now that was fun! I can't believe we tied the race!" We smiled at each other at that comment. I caught her winking at me, but made no comment. "Hey AJ! Did you see how close that was!" She yelled into the stands, as she ran up to higher friends on the closest row of seats to the finish.

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