"Thank you, thank you, I greatly appreciate it!" We laughed a little, then I saw the latex wound was halfway off. "Hey, Jack." I pointed to my neck, then he grabbed at his, feeling the flap of latex.

"Hm. I didn't know that happened. Must've happened when we got in the water. Or the bonds just got loose."

He looked in the mirror, then shrugged and ripped the latex off, wincing immediately after. "I don't think you should've done that."

Jack chuckled, "I don't either." He rubbed his neck. "Oh well, it's in the past now."

He threw the latex away and washed the fake blood off, leaving a light red tint.

I yawned, "I'm kinda tired, what about you?"

Jack nodded, "Yeah, I am too."

I smirked, "Want to go to bed with me? We have to figure out where those two friskies went before, though."

Jack smiled, "Okay, let's go."

We went up stairs, hearing panting, moaning, and skin smacking coming from Felix's room. I laughed as I went on down to my room, which was the last on in the hall.

"Hang on, I got to do something real fast." Jack said, running over to his room.

I changed clothes and sat on my bed, hearing the shower running. 'I guess he's going to shower then...' I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through Twitter, patiently waiting on Jack. The water was only running for close to a minute when I heard something.

I smirked when I figured out I heard a groan, but I stayed where I was, waiting for Jack to finish his 'shower'. There was a few more groans, some mumbled words, then a final long and loud moan. 'I guess he doesn't try to stay quiet...' I snickered to myself, planning to let him know that I heard everything and, frankly, let him know I enjoyed it. (Ooo, you nasty... I like that. [Vine or meme reference *I think*])

The water finally turned off, music now blaring from outside. I heard the bathroom door open, then my door swung open to reveal Jack in his boxers, looking fresh and satisfied.

I smirked, "Wow. Those sounds were beautiful." I said, getting up and putting my hands on his chest.

He blushed, "Why, thank you. And I didn't expect you to hear them."

I raised an eyebrow, "Really? The worlds loudest man expects someone in a room next to the room he's in not to hear him? You must think I'm deaf!"

He laughed, "I sure do. Now, are we going to bed or what?"

I smiled and nodded, Jack jumping on my bed. I pulled my shorts off and took off my bra, sliding it off underneath my shirt. I laid down beside Jack and snuggled up to him, my head on his chest.

I snickered, "You know, some would consider this awkward."

"Why?" Jack asked, looking down at me.

"Because I literally tried to fuck you, then you jerked off, now we are cuddling."

Jack laughed, "Yeah, it sounds like it would be, but I don't feel awkward at all."

"Me neither." I smiled and started tracing random shapes on his chest, thinking on everything that happened, and could've happened. "Jack?"


"Did you really mean it when you said you liked me? We had only talked over video chat for about two years, but not that often, until two days ago."

Jack huffed, "Why would I say something I didn't mean? Of course I like you. You're beautiful, smart, funny, and you're great all around!" I blushed and he chuckled, running a hand through my hair. "When did we first talk, anyway?"

"I think it was about two years ago, then we had probably fifty or more video chats between then and now." I laughed, highly underestimating the number of calls we had had.

Jack smiled, "I think there's been quite a few more calls than fifty." He looked down at me, then watched his hand as he ran it through my hair again, his hand stopping at my blue tips. "I had always wanted to see you in person, I just never got the chance. I saw you and Mark at a convention once, then Mark saw me and dragged you in the opposite direction."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "I wonder why he would do that...?"

Jack shrugged, then turned over onto his side, facing me, wrapped his arms around my waist, then pulled me as close as he could, "I don't know, but I'm glad I've met you now." He kissed my forehead, "Goodnight, (Y/n)."

I snuggled up to him, getting comfortable, "Goodnight, Jack."

Alright! Chapter 15 coming at you with 1400+ words!

Okay, so here's an explanation. You and Jack have known each other for mostly two years, but didn't meet in person until two days ago. You both have been crushing on each other since the first or second time you talked. You used to call each other everyday just to talk about random junk, then your YouTube channel started growing more, so you started doing more and more stuff for it until your schedule was full with no free time. You only got to call Jack every once in a while then, so you grew apart a little, but now you're together (Not a relationship) and talking in person.

(Sorry for that paragraph, I just thought I needed to explain what had happened before you met in person... I should put this in the intro, but I won't.)

I should be like Pixar and make a sequel, but it happens before the original did. (Peep at Monsters Inc. and others)

But anyway, punch that vote button in the face LIKE A BOSS! I'll see you doods in the next chapter!

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