19 - 𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔰𝔱

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After seeing James in the mirror, Grimalkin couldn't stop thinking about him.  She saw the pain in his features and she was drawn to him again.  She wondered if Hoseok had used his power to keep her there.  In her heart, she knew she loved James.  It was inexplicable, it was a weakness, and it was real.  

There are so many reasons why I am wrong for him but it changes nothing,  She thought to herself.

Hoseok came into the room.  His eyes searched hers and he knew something had upset her.  He spent every moment with her and could sense her mood had changed but she still wouldn't open up to him.  No matter how many chances he gave her, there was something holding her back and it was making him angry.  He was frustrated that she wouldn't trust him.

"Grimalkin, we are on the verge of a great challenge that you will be part of as my queen

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"Grimalkin, we are on the verge of a great challenge that you will be part of as my queen.  Our power grows tenfold every day but I am still not sure of your loyalty.  I still feel you don't trust me,"  he confessed.

"I don't trust you because you are not telling me everything.  You have this plan to take over my people even though I asked you to leave my home alone.  Seek your blood-lust somewhere else but leave my country alone.  Why can't you do that for me?"

"I will spare your country and your friends but you must give yourself to me totally body and soul.  I want a love that consumes me," he replied.

"Haven't I done that?  Yet you still plan to attack them! Do you think I'm stupid?"

"I am jealous of your love for him!!" He exclaimed.

"That's crazy, he's just a boy of no consequence."

"Then I will bring him here for my amusement," he said knowing she wasn't telling the truth.

Grimalkin's heart pounded.  She wanted to tell him he would become her greatest enemy if he hurt James but that would only make him more jealous.

Resigned, she answered him. "You show your weakness to easily, my love.  Do what you will, but your power is not what attracts me it is your empathy."

"What?  Empathy is a weakness." 

"You are my weakness and I am yours.  Can't you see that? In spite of your nature, you couldn't wait to help me.  You took away my pain instantly and you healed my wounds.  Nobody has ever cared for me like that.  You brought me here and took care of me. It's what made me want you."

"But I want you to love me.  Can't you see?  I can give you a lifetime of pleasure, passion, and adventure and even a little danger!  You will be my eternal queen. What can he give you?"

Grimalkin thought, what I do now can change everything, not just for me but for everyone.  

She playfully grabbed him and pushed him on the bed.  

"I'm here my love.  Can't you see it's you I want," she said.

His eyes glistened with unshed tears. Their passionate argument making them both aroused.  Grimalkin pinned him down holding his arms above his head kissing him passionately.  He found her dominance exciting and luxuriated in her attention.  She touched his manhood as if she owned it making him moan in pleasure.  She tore his clothes off exerting her dominance and took what she wanted.  She started to ride him for the second time that day. 

More tenderly she looked into his eyes that shone clearly that he loved her.  His slightly parted lips showing his fangs as he licked his teeth. She needed to prove her love.  She turned her face showing him her neck as her pulse raced to invite him to bite her. He could smell her delicious blood and he hungered to bite the delicate skin there.  He waited till she was on the verge of climaxing before he sunk his teeth into her neck. They rode out their high as he drank her blood.  Finally giving in to his desire to sire her, he was satiated.  He offered her his wrist to bite, but she swatted his arm away and straddled him as she watched the pulse in his neck. She leaned closer and licked the blood dripping from his lips.

 She leaned closer and licked the blood dripping from his lips

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She had sacrificed herself for the boy with the green hair. 

A single tear escaped her eye as she bit into his beautiful neck consummating their pact. 

This is what I am, she thought, a bloodthirsty witch.

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